Sunday, November 20, 2011

A Visit to the Quilt Show

As promised, I'm bringing you a little eye candy from the local River City Quilters Guild quilt show. In most cases, I don't know who the quiltmaker and/or quilter is, and I rushed through the show so quickly on my lunch hour, there wasn't time to take notes, but I'll tell you what I know about a few of these--or at least what I liked.

The theme of the show this year was a Symphony of Color. Each year, guild members are challenged to create a quilt using a specific fabric; this year there was a focus fabric and an accent fabric. I'm not sure which fabrics those are in this quilt, but it sure didn't LOOK like the quiltmaker was forced to use something "challenging" as many times these fabrics seem to be!

Jackie, one of the ladies from my Thimbleberries Club, made the quilt and certainly deserved the ribbon she received. It's a beauty!

As you can see, the next quilt received a special award too as signified by the rainbow colored ribbon. Unfortunately, I don't know which award this was given, but isn't it a stunning quilt? I LOVE circle quilts and you'll see I've photographed a few; I aspire to make one someday. The use of color in this one--and that may even be what the award is for--is simply luscious.

This next one may look familar to you--yep, it's mine! I entered two quilts this year.

This next quilt caught my eye from a few aisles away. I absolutely LOVE that rusty red she used with the contrasting black and cream. This one was made by Jan Soules, the show's featured artist. If you want to learn more about her, click on her name and it will take you to the guild's bio on her. There are also photos of a couple more of her quilts. I know I've seen the middle one with all the flying geese in a quilt magazine before.

I couldn't resist taking a photo of the next quilt, just because I've always loved this pattern and I have it in my pattern stash to make someday. I think this is the first time I've seen it made, though.

Laurel Anderson created the next quilt. Laurel teaches and writes patterns and books. Click on her name to view her website. Laurel has been a past featured artist, and the pattern for this quilt is available on her website. Isn't it a beauty?

Isn't this one fun and whimsical? It reminds me of Mary Lou Weidman's quilts. Sadly, I was running out of time and didn't read the story behind this one.

Another beautiful quilt--I told you I like circles! And I'm not the only one who liked it, as you can see by the rainbow ribbon.

If this one looks familiar--yep, me again. It was really nice to have this one hanging in a place where I could finally get a decent photo of it.

I think this is a fun Christmas/Santa quilt. My friend Sandy has the patterns. I may need to borrow them someday to make one for myself!

The show's over and my bed is calling to me. It's been another long and busy day. Thanks for stopping by to visit!

P.S.: There are many, many more wonderful quilts at the show I didn't get to photograph, and there are even some I DID photograph but didn't upload because I didn't want to overwhelm anyone. If you're in the Sacramento area today (Sunday), the show is open until 4 p.m. For information, click on the link to the featured artist, and from there you can access additional information about cost, location, hours, etc.


  1. I too love circle quilts. Thanks for sharing all these beauties!

  2. They are all wonderful - thanks for sharing!

  3. All of the quilts are amazing but the rusty red one really speaks to me because I would have never chosen the background fabric! so brave and look how wonderful it turned out! The cat quilt is really wonderful also, I have never seen that pattern!

  4. I do believe those are ribbons hanging on your quilts, and you didn't even brag about them. Gorgeous!

  5. Oh, I love that show!!! It seems I always miss it for some reason or other. In fact, I have it on my calendar for the wrong day. I wonder if I can drag Sweety up there today if the rain isn't too bad....

    Congratulations on the blue ribbons!!!

  6. Love the circle quilts. A circle quilt is on my quilting bucket list, too.
    THanks for sharing the photos.
    Kathy B Yolo CA

  7. I see your quilts got Ribbons too KIm! Congrats..they look lovely hanging up!

  8. Hello from Texas! I just discovered your blog and have spent time reading your posts. You do lovely work and I really enjoyed seeing all of the great pictures. I will be back!

  9. Love the quilts! I remember going to this show years ago - I use to drive up from Modesto with my quilting buddy and we had such a good time.

  10. Thank you for sharing! and congrats on your ribbons. The judge obviously knows great workmanship!!! I think the first of those circle quilts is a Judy Niemeyer pattern, maybe the second one too. I love that Santa quilt too. Enjoy your Sunday!!

  11. and those blue ribbons on your quilts remind me of a joke about a kilted Scot who awoke from a drunken stupor, looked down in wonder at a bonnie new blue ribbon and said, "I dinna ken where ye've been, laddie, but I see ye've won first prize!"

  12. Added to do list on weekend and holiday. Now a days it is very hard to do fabric work for me, I almost ended it and after watching your work, I plan to start it soon.

  13. Congratulations on your two blue ribbon winners!

  14. Congratulations on your ribbons and thank you for sharing the eye candy.


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