Sunday, November 13, 2011


My good intentions to show you the other method of applique I use have come to naught tonight. I spent the day with my stitchery friends, driving up to Apple Hill and tromping around a few of the apple ranches, looking at baked goods, treats in jars, apples, vegetables, craft booths, and various and sundry other delights. We stopped at a quilt shop on the way up and another on the way back. After eight or nine hours spent on this excursion, we were all dragging a bit. But we were all pretty pleased with ourselves and each other too. [If you click on "Apple Hill" above, it will take you to a post I wrote a few years back about Apple Hill with photos, so you can see where we were.]

After getting back to Sacramento, I went to visit Soccer Son and his Lovely Wife to be Someday. They're deep into moving to a new place, with household goods in both houses and nowhere to really call "home" for the moment. While Soccer Son took another load to the new place, his LWTBS and I went to a local sandwich shop to pick up something for dinner, which we took back to the new place to eat. I suspect the pair of them were among the few people in Sacramento who were more tired than I was at that point.

Just one more stop after that--at the grocery store--and I was finally home, but much too tired to do more than stare at my belly button after mustering up the last vestiges of energy to unload, unpack, and put away all of my day's purchases.

Applique can wait. It will be there tomorrow. And tomorrow I'll show you the other method I use. In the meantime, I'm heading to bed. Thankfully, it's Sunday and I can sleep in.


  1. No matter how exhausted you are, Kim, you still think of your daily readers! Thank you for your thoughtfulness! Happy Sunday. Florence

  2. What shops did you stop at? My folks used to live in El Dorado and Diamond Springs so we were at Apple Hill every year. Now that Dad is gone and Mom lives down here we don't get up there very often. I miss it. I remember letting my son go up in a helicopter ride at High Hill Ranch when he was 7 in 1979. he went by himself as I was too afraid to go with him. Not one of my most brilliant parenting moments!

  3. Knackered - I will have to look that up, although I think you must have explained being done in from the day is knackered - I guess, eh?! It's a relaxing Sunday evening here and I am hoping you are now relaxing with needle in hand. Tootles

  4. I was just thinking of visiting Apple Hill. My aunt has a farm there and we used to spend summer days and Halloween nights tromping around her property. We polished crates of apples for quarters, picked blackberries, explored the barn, and begged to spend the night in her teepee. Ahh...the memories ;) Glad you had fun!


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