Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Rabbits Prefer . . . ?

I mentioned a couple days ago that I'd resurrected my version of the popular Rabbits Prefer Chocolate quilt. Just in case you don't know what I'm talking about, the original quilt is a Bunny Hill design from several years ago--here's a photo of the quilt as originally designed--

As many, many of us quilters did, I enrolled in a block of the month class to make the quilt. My first block was fairly similar to the original, but I tweeked it a bit, to make it look like the giant chicken was really running and not just ambling along.

The next month, I decided my baby chick and bunny carts should be racing. And maybe one of them hit a rock and got a flat tire. (Remember when you're looking at these blocks that there are details to be added later, like the reins the bunnies use to pull the egg carts.)

The third month, I thought a huge bunny with a basket of eggs was a little too tame for a race, so I made a huge bunny keeping time.

The single bunny in the broken egg shell? Yeah, I made that to start, but then I got to thinking about making that egg into a train car and adding more. When I resurrected the blocks the other day, that's what I did--I added more bunnies.

And if you compare the bunnies in the egg train to the originals, you'll probably notice I decided my bunnies needed arms. Armless rabbits seemed a little creepy. (My train still needs wheels and something to connect the cars, but that stuff will be added a little later. Oh, and probably some smoke coming out of the engine's smoke stack.)

And just before I put the blocks away last time, I designed and made an Easy Rider Rabbit block. When I pulled that out the other day, I thought he might be a tad lonely, so I added a bunny on a Vespa and another in a sports car.

Here's what the blocks I've made look like so far. I have another couple blocks from the original that I want to modify to use and I have a few more blocks in mind that I want to design and add.

I'm not sure what I'll call this when I'm done, but in recognition of the fact that I have a racing/transportation theme going here, my working title is Rabbits Prefer Speed. Or Bunnies on Crack. It just depends on my mood.


  1. Remember the kid's book - Go Dog Go....you could call it Go Bunnies Go...or Quick Like a Bunny......the blocks are great - can't wait to see it finished. Have a nice day....piece.

  2. OMG! LOLROFL! I just love them :) I wish I was this creative and I definitely think you should go with "Bunnies on Crack" caused they "crack me up" lol!

  3. That's too cute! Love them! :-)

  4. Oh, Kim!! You bust me up!! I just love your sence of humor! Those waskly wabbits!!

  5. How fun!! You have the BEST sense of humor and the talent to go with your imagination!! Be sure to send a picture to Bunny Hill.

  6. Peter Fonda Rabbit is my favorite ... i think you need a bunny on a segway, too ... and a hippie bunny in a VW van - hopped up on easter grass ...... my word ver is wootscoa - a multiple woot coalition, maybe?

  7. Very clever, you! Certainly not your average bunny BOM!

  8. There's your name Kim, as Annie O suggested: Not your average bunny!! I love the original, but I love the way you ramped up the pace. Bunnies definitely are FAST. Stephani in TX (Tomazec@aol.com)

  9. I am so delighted with the changes you have made to this pattern. I don't think I would ever have realized it was the Bunny Hill pattern if you hadn't shown us the original to compare your blocks to. It is just so fun!

  10. Too funny! I think I am loosing it - more then normal - I don't remember you "ramping up" the blocks. LOL

  11. My rabbit Weasley said to tell you this is the best quilt ever!

  12. OMG!!! This is toooo funny!!! And it is totally you~~~~

  13. Wow. I love it. You are so clever and really brought a smile to my face!

  14. You put such a cool spin on your quilts! I love the transportation theme.

  15. Kim, without a doubt, you are the MOST fun and creative quilter -- no -- person!!! Wish you were my neighbor! Want to move to NJ? Florence

  16. Love the fast paced bunny. Your creativity and sense of humor is wonderful to view.

  17. Anne Sutton and I are sitting here in Houston starting to get ready to set up for market and just cracking up at your fabulous sense of humor. Anne wants to know if you want to come work for Bunny Hill. Lol. Sure a lot more fun than the legal profession!!! Great job!

  18. Kim you are so darn funny! I needed a good laugh... and I should have known that I could count on you for that!

  19. I've made this quilt also -- not quite as fun as yours, but I did change the giant chicken also. I got bogged down on the scalloped border. Can't wait to see how you handle that.

  20. I love your alterations on these bunnies... those little bunnies in the egg shells look like they are in a sack race! sew kewt!


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