Saturday, October 8, 2011

Doggie Viagra?

Remember the Drooling Dog? The Wild Child's "baby"?

Well, the Wild Child has been wanting to breed him for awhile now because many people--including Soccer Son--have expressed an interest in having one of his pups. A couple weeks ago, Hubby, the Wild Child, and the Drooling Dog attended a Boxer show and found the DD a girlfriend.

The Wild Child got the call this week that the DD's girlfriend was coming into season, so a "date" was arranged for today. It seems, however, that perhaps the DD needs a little Viagra or something because he just didn't seem to know what to do.

Really? A DOG? Didn't know what to do?! I don't know; maybe he's just too much of a gentleman. At least our legs are safe around him--so far. He's having a sleepover tonight, though, so maybe he'll figure it out. Maybe he just didn't like being watched. Sheesh!

In the meantime, I've spent part of the day preparing for the Great Halloween House Decorating Party. As you can see, the "ingredients" are gathered.

In the morning, I'll need to do a little food prep for the girly gathering and the dinner later with our guys. Soccer Son's been doing some yard work for us, and he'll be here in the morning too, finishing up. It should be a fun day. I'll try to get a few photos to share, but if I don't post tomorrow night, it's just because I'm either still having fun, I've had too many margaritas and can't type straight, or I've fallen asleep. One way or another, though, I'll be back to tell you about it in a day or two. "See" you later!


  1. How fun - the houses, that is. Poor dog - he may need to see a doggie psychiatrist to overcome his inhibitions - I'm sure they have them (both psych. and inhibitions) LOL.

  2. I have a friend, who is a vet, who has Border Collies for show. Her male BC had a 'date' to breed a female owned by a friend - and it never happened! He couldn't figure it out either! They ended up doing artificial insemination, LOL.

  3. You are one busy lady! Your set up looks so inviting and I can imagine the fun that you had. Hugs

  4. It'snot that DD doesn't know what to do, it's that people don't recongize the signs when the female is ready to accept the male. She DD's girlfriend probably just wasn't there yet. Having breed our little weenie, I won't go into the horror stories and how long we once had to keep a female to breed.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!