Friday, September 30, 2011

Nature or Nurture?

Are cats BORN with the knowledge that they can get their persons out of bed in the morning by standing on their bladders? Or is it learned behavior?


  1. Nature! My knows exactly when to lie on me and start purring (very loudly) to get my attention!

  2. A cat has to do what a cat has to do! People require lots of training.

  3. I think it is a learned behavior, reinforced by our reaction to it! LOL
    Just like how are some cats so light on their feet and some feel like they have lead for feet when they are on you. One of our 5 has lead in her feet, in fact we say she has needle feet because when she kneads you it feels like she is sticking needles into you!

  4. Well, it's better than them emptying their bladders, if you know what I mean.

  5. My cat Tigger has an automatic food dispenser that gives him food at 5 a.m. So about 4:30 a.m. he starts with the announcements. "Mom? Mom? Mom? The food's not there yet. Mom? Mom? Mom? You better get up and check that machine thing." He starts by standing RIGHT NEXT TO my face and progresses to walking across my head.

  6. They like to get you up. Our dogs always get us up early. Sometimes they sit on your head or do an obsessive amount of face licking. And they know nothing of sleeping in on Saturdays.

  7. not only do they stand on it but they 'kneed' it as well as if they are showing you affection and yet at the same time they are saying to you 'you will wake up and pay me the attention I deserve!'
    thanks for the morning pick me up!!

  8. Meow! That darn cat! Have fun at the movies today.

  9. Born!!! We have a magnet on our fridge that says 'Dogs have Masters, Cats have support staff', says it all!!!

  10. OMG, I thought our Junior was the only cat that did this. Actually, my husband sleeps on his side, so Junior perches like a 10 lb bowling ball on hubby's hip. If that doesn't work, he bites your fingers or licks your nose. Eeww -- nothing says "wake up" better than a close-up wiff of cat food breath.


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