Sunday, September 18, 2011

Hallowe'en 1904--Done!

As planned, I spent the day decorating for Halloween. I still have the kitchen to do tomorrow, but I've made a great deal of progress. And now that I have my bedroom put together, I can finally show you the completed Hallowe'en 1904 quilt.

And remember the vintage quilt I bought at a thrift store when Hubby and I were on vacation? I wanted to use it somewhere but I didn't want it to get too much wear, so I finally settled on putting it on top of the armoire.

Some of you commented yesterday that it's still too hot where you live to think about decorating for Halloween. Here in Sacramento we're in the 80s and 90s too, but I never let that stop me. If I was going to wait for it to cool down, we'd probably have Thanksgiving before Halloween! So I just figure mid-September--when it's almost officially fall--is a good time to get busy decorating, even if the weather doesn't cooperate.

Time for me to go to bed now and rest my achy body because there's another day of decorating ahead. Good night!


  1. That looks so awesome on your bed! Great finish! Love the witch quilt on the wall, too. Your autumn touches really make your bedroom cozy. :)

  2. Do you want to come and decorate my house? And bring your fall quilts please. Just lovely.

  3. Your bed looks great! Love the quilt! And, I especially love the witches flying over your bookshelf. Happy quilting.

  4. I'm jealous! I really want to make the Halloween 19'04 quilt!

  5. Your Halloween decorations look wonderful!

  6. I love your spirit. Your Halloween bedroom looks awesome!

  7. Absolutely love the finished quilt.

    And the little witches.

    And the vintage quilt.

    I don't think you can ever have too much orange.

  8. You are ready for Halloween - looks great!

  9. Beautiful!! I love your quilts. Have a happy day!

  10. LOVE your Halloween decor~~~ Your quilts are soooo amazing!!!!!

  11. Your Halloween quilt is fantastic, I have the pattern and it's on my list to make someday. The witches on the wall is great. I start decorating now because I want to enjoy it before Christmas takes over.

  12. The Halloween 1904 quilt looks amazing! Love the little witch quilt, too! I admire your decorating energy and as soon as my sewing room re-do is done I plan to follow in your footsteps.

  13. it looks fantastic!
    I pulled out all my Halloween decor yesterday - in Michigan the temps are already dropping and since I don't have any fall decor that isn't Halloween, that's what I went with :)

  14. I really liked the pictures of your bedroom. It's so festive. You inspired me to buy the bed quilt pattern. I've made a few Halloween quilts but I keep giving them away.

  15. Your Halloween quilt is spooktacular!! Just love it!! I can't wait to see what you do with your skeletons? You can NEVER have too many bones laying around!
    Take care!


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