Monday, August 22, 2011

Pip Berry Garlands and Other Temptations

I've been thinking about autumn off and on. Have you? I thought that when I finally got done dressing up the house for summer, I just might not want to change things again until Christmas, but here it is, just a few months later, and my thoughts have turned to Halloween and fall decorating. It doesn't seem to matter that the temperatures are in the 90s. Just like the swallows coming home to Capistrano each year, every year I start mentally preparing for fall sometime in mid- to late-August.

When I went to my friend Imelda's home a couple months ago, I greatly admired a patriotic garland she had in her dining room, and after I got home, I went on line searching for something for my own home. Eventually, I stumbled upon 1804 Primitives on eBay and found they had lighted pip berry garlands--with several color variations on the pip berries--with rusty stars. Perfect! I decided to order one with cream colored pip berries which seemed to be perfect with most holidays and seasonal decorations. Here's a photo of the one I ordered:

It's not a close up, but you can click over to the seller's store from the link above to see these better--and all the other cool and crafty things they carry. (I also added silicone stars to the lights on mine--they don't come with them.)

So, anyway, when I started thinking about fall and Halloween decorating, I had to admit that the white pip berries just weren't whispering "autumn" to me. So yesterday I visited 1804 Primitives again ordered another one--I'm pretty sure it was the "harvest mix" color. Although now that I look back at the website, I have to wonder why I didn't order the 4 foot pumpkin pip berry garland? Also, not instead of. Well, maybe it's because I DID order several other things besides the garland, and one has to draw the line somewhere, right? Sheesh! I swear I have no self control.

Soon the Ghastlies will be quilted, my package from 1804 Primitives will arrive, and it will be time to get the Halloween and fall boxes out of the garage. I've also been thinking about a new papier mache craft I'd like to try this year.

So how about you? Have you been thinking about autumn yet?


  1. Lisa in Forsyth, GAAugust 22, 2011 at 4:48 AM

    You're a girl after my own heart... I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who is thinking about fall and halloween already!

  2. YES! But not in terms of decorating! Wishing for the cooler temperatures that fall brings! Days on end of heat over 100 degrees and no rain are making me feel like I'm the pumpkin pie! Won't be decorating soon though. New flooring going down, so lots of moving and cleaning.

  3. I do so wish I was the decorating type! I have very little in as far as decorations! I have a neightbor (we call teh the Grizwalds) they decorate OUTSIDE for EVERY holiday and it is just so fun!! I love fall and cannot wait for the beautiful autumn colours!!

  4. on 8-1-2011 there was a bright orange leaf on the woodvine - i'm all for autumn (cuz it's my favorite time of year ... 'cept for spring, maybe) but the FIRST of AUGUST?!? seriously?!?

    it was so disturbing that i took a picture of it and blogged about it ... maybe i should stop working on the autumn quilt cuz i don't want Momma Nature to get the wrong idea...

  5. Love the Garland! As for me and decorating - I am trying to squeeze the last bit of enjoyment out of my summer things and enjoying the Hot August Nights. Hugs

  6. Of course I have!
    I've been adding a few things each day and wishing for cooler weather. I think it's working here.
    And the quilts, have to have a few more Halloween quilts. So I'm working on them too.

  7. Not really thinking about it but Punk has her Halloween costume all picked out. I need to go back to the store and get it. Our weather has taken a cooler turn for the last few days and it did feel like early september outside this morning.

  8. Living in south FL, I usually decorate for fall the beginning of October. However, I have been thinking this year I might decorate beginning of September.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!