Sunday, July 10, 2011

Zip It!

I've been a little sidetracked lately. Remember I'm supposed to be quilting a quilt? And then after that, I have the Ghastlies quilt to quilt? Well, I've been taking a little break.

On one of the little shop hops I did with my stitching group, I bought two Atkinson Design patterns for little zippered bags that are oh so cute! When I realized I had several things coming up this week that I needed little gifts for--a couple birthdays, my stitchery group get together, and a "just because" gift--I thought the zippered bags would be perfect. After all, I think most of us could use another zippered bag to keep our stuff in, whether it's coupons, cosmetics, or stitching supplies, right?

Want to see what I made? Other than the last cherry zip, these are all around 8" long by around 4" tall.

I'll have to tell you a little more about the Saturday spent with my stitching friends this month, but that can wait until tomorrow. What couldn't wait, though, was showing you these little pincusions made by two of our members--we each received these.

No matter whether we're on the giving end or the receiving end, gifts between friends are the best, aren't they?


  1. The zippered bags are awesome. I love the black and white cat fabric. Happy quilting!

  2. Wow, I love your zippered bags. I really enjoy making them for little gifts too. I have a pattern that I've used a million times...I like the one you have though, that's a great idea to add top and bottom stripes/borders. And those pincushions....serious cuteness! Truly lovely, what wonderful gifts!

  3. The zippered bags are so cool. Your fabric stash is to die for. When I moved in May (200 miles from the last home) my 2 bestest quilty friends each made me a jelly roll from their stash. Now when I look at the fabrics I can remember them and the quilts that they had made or were still working on. Great friends are the best!!

  4. The bags are adorable. I am doing the snap bag with the measuring tape for my next bag project. Found a measuring tape at Walgrens for $2.00. JudyB

  5. The bags are adorable. I especially like the cat fabric, is it an older fabric or a current one? You amaze me as to the things you get done. I seem to only waste time!!!

  6. Your zippered pouches are really nice Kim... the fabric is very cute ta'boot!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!