Thursday, July 14, 2011

Planning for Quilted Comfort

I noticed that the poll for mayo versus Miracle Whip will end by tomorrow night, so if you haven't voted and would like to, now is the time! I've checked every now and then and it's been pretty consistent at mayo 60 percent, Miracle Whip 40 percent. Interesting.

I wrapped up the Pinwheels and Roses quilt today in pretty gift wrap and left it for the recipient to find--probably in the morning. I wish I had about ten quilts to give away, because it seems there are many people in my life that I'd love to gift with a quilt right now.

Hubby found out the wife of a long time friend of his had passed away a month or so ago--not unexpectedly as it was a long illness, but she wasn't all that old. I bet a quilt would be a comfort to Hubby's friend.

My friend Lisa and my mother-in-law are both having surgery. Lisa had hers today--and everything went well--and my mother-in-law will be having hers tomorrow. I'd like to give quilts to both of them to snuggle with as they recover.

Another friend of mine lost her mom last week. My friend quilts and probably doesn't need one from me, but giving a quilt to someone is a tangible sign of caring. What I'd really like to give her is a warm hug and a little time to talk together; but it will have to wait because she's in Canada right now with her family.

I think I would like to try to find time to quilt a couple of my "orphan" quilt tops so I can set them aside to give to the people I care about when comfort is needed. I think I should also try to find time to make a few baby quilts to keep on hand. How about you? Do you have quilts you've set aside to give when the need arises?


  1. I actually do have a small quilt "stash" for gifts. I often make quilts that are not my style or colors just because I think they are beautiful or would enjoy the challenge of the pattern. Sometimes I just make a quilt because I see a fabric that I fall for head over heels but the fabric just doesn't go with my decor. I think a quilt is a great gift and know that when given as a comfort in crisis or illness, the joy in giving the quilt is incredible!

  2. I think about doing this every time something happens to someone, too. I rarely have one ready to go, but I think it's a great idea to finish some orphans for just that reason. You are a good egg. :)

  3. Y'know, Kim, I make quilts. Lots of quilts. And give most of them away. One person, my little friend Turbo, made a quilt for me one time. For no occasion whatsoever. I keep it on the back of my recliner. And take the occasional afternoon nap under it. But three years ago, when my husband had a heart attack and was in hospital, I spent HOURS under Turbo's quilt. It was that hug, the one you're trying to send to Canada. So send the quilt. Trust me.

  4. I try to keep a few quilts handy to give as gifts, but I recently gave away the last one. I need to get some more made up! I love giving quilts to other quilters - you know that they appreciate them!

  5. I do keep both baby and lap size quilts on hand for gift giving. A neighbor of ours was dealing with breast cancer last year, so I gave her a lap quilt at Christmas as a gift, and she could use it to keep her warm. It's nice to see the smile when they get the gift.

  6. Funny you should bring this up. I have been thinking about this recently. I want to make some baby quilts to have ready. So many of my friends are having their first grandchild and when I find out I have to go into high speed overdrive to get a quilt made. I don't have a lot of spare time for quilting, but I love it.


  7. What a great reminder to have some quilts, or at least tops, stockpiled for inprompto giving. I usually find myself in a rush when whipping something up for someone. Besides, it is a great way to play with fabric, or a new pattern!

  8. Hi,
    I voted a few days back on the mayo/miracle whip but there is another controversy out there from my experience and that's the grilled cheese sandwich with mayo vs. butter. I was raised on mayo and continue it to this day.

    By the way I love the pinwheels and roses quilt, did you say where the pattern can be found or was it from you head?

  9. Did she like the quilt?


  10. Occasionally I do have a quilt that I have made that is not for someone and it finds a home of someone in need. I wish that I could quilt faster because like you there are people who come into my life that I think that a quilt would be a perfect gift for them.
    Quilts are indeed like a warm hug.
    Warmest regards,


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!