Thursday, July 7, 2011


Remember that noise Scooby Doo would make when he was surprised, puzzled, and just couldn't figure something out? I think that's pretty much what I said when the Casey Anthony verdict was announced the other day.

It kind of reminded me of the O.J. verdict--and it seemed like the people I talked to experienced the same kind of shocked disbelief. I've heard the media speculate that juries now hold the prosecution to a higher standard as far as forensic evidence goes, and that might account for the acquittal. Still, Scott Peterson was convicted on less evidence.

I just read that officials have prepared a secret exit for Casey Anthony so she can leave after the sentencing hearing and bypass the media and the public. But where will she go? She can't go home.

Really, I didn't pay much attention to the trial because I didn't believe there could possibly be any outcome other than a finding of guilty, so I'm not completely familiar with the details. Still, I can't help but wonder what the jury thinks happened to that little girl. I'm just puzzled by the whole thing. What are your thoughts?


  1. I haven't been a faithful follower either, but I was shocked, too. I can still remember when I heard the OJ verdict and this had the same feeling. Kinda sick, actually. Nothing will bring that little girl back, but you'd like to think that someone would be found responsible for what was done to her. Sad, sad, sad.

  2. I didn't follow this - it seemed so obvious to me that she was guilty. When a child is missing for 31 days and the mother does't even bother reporting it - then is found guilty of lie after lie after lie - what was the jury thinking???? I really don't understand this one at all. Seriously.

  3. It pisses me off. (sorry) Children are a precious gift -- someone in that screwed up family knows what, where and when and is lying about it.

  4. I think the defense did their job and established reasonable doubt. Based on what I saw of the trial, the jury probably decided correctly based on the evidence, although that beautiful child is still dead and no one was held accountable. All that hooey about what a good mother she was. Please. The scary part is that mom will probably have more children ......

  5. Maybe there was reasonable doubt--but who takes responsibility for the little girl's death?? I agree--children are a gift & the Giver can't be too happy about this one.

  6. Having followed a lot of the trial I feel the jury made the correct decision.

    What a wonderful country we live in when we get a chance to present our side and we have 12 people who can see the evidence and decide that the state didn't prove their case.

    I am surprised but pleased with the verdict.

    Accidents do happen and having grown up in a house full of abuse, it's hard to understand growing up that way unless you have been there yourself.

    Just hope she gets some professional help and straightens out her life.

  7. A travesty of justice. Today, at the sentencing, her hair is down & she isn't wearing one of those ugly shirts she wore during the whole trial. She's guilty as hell. If it were truly an accident, why did she hid the kid for 31 days???? Guilty, guilty, guilty. She will ultimately get what's coming to her. OJ did!!!!

  8. I have to say that I agree with Cathi. I really don't understand how the jury is justifying their decision.

  9. I was shocked she was found not guilty from the limited amount I followed the trial. I watched one of the jurors on Nightline last night (I think that was the show) and she said she could not convict without a proven cause of death as well as a motive. When asked if she thought the woman was guilty, she answered that just because she was found not guilty, did not mean she was innocent. I am not even close to being up on criminal law but was the jury bound to find her not guilty because there was no proven cause of death?

  10. After reading your post, I feel compelled to comment. All I know of the trial is what was on the headlines these past years. It sure seems as if she was guilty, but shame on the prosecution for not proving it. But, I have a question, why did this case gain national attention? Here, in NW Indiana, where I live, a boy was beaten, and abused all of his years (I think he was around 11), the final year, he was kept in a cage, only taken out to eat and use the bathroom. He died there, and was buried in secret. This was done by his father and stepmother. His body discovered by accident. This boy was as cute as Caylee, and, as far as I know, as received no attention, other than locally.
    I guess my point is that this goes on everywhere, yet this case took the nation's attention. How does one particular case snowball like this?

  11. I agree with Jan about the number of
    children who are abused and sometimes
    die. Not sure about what made this case
    so different. As the anonymous comment
    said accidents do happen. But I don't
    believe this was an accident, I believe
    she murdered her daughter and she
    should have been punished for it.

  12. I was shocked too, I thought just the fact that the baby was missing for 31 days and she didn't tell anyone was enough to at least get her manslaughter. Her life is over, she can't live in Florida. I just hope no one gives her a book deal. I was watching her sentencing this morning, and she was messing with her hair to make it look nice for the cameras and smiled and winked at someone in the audience, what a horrible person she is. Still isn't acting like someone whose beautiful little girl is dead.

  13. This case has been so upsetting. I was in a doctor's waiting room when I heard the verdict earlier in the week and when I went in the office and told the doctor and his staff, everyone went "WHATTTT?" No one could believe it. I guess it just comes down that the prosecution just did not have anough ammunition. I believe the jury -for the most part probably thinks she did it but could not prove it without a reasonable doubt. As far as the comment that it could have been an accident, I am not buying it. Even if it were an accident, why did she or whoever was there with her not call 9-1-1? What does Casey being sexually abused as a child have to do with that? Too many unanswered questions. One thing is for sure, Casey's life in the future won't be pleasant.

  14. I told my daugher yesterday that Casey Anthony will probably have to go into witness protection. Too many people unhappy with the verdict. If I were her, I'd be looking over my shoulder all the time.

  15. My two cents on this -- you have to keep in mind the jury was sequestered and did not see all the things the media put out (the partying, etc.) Also, any crime story on TV, real or otherwise, most always boils down to DNA and forensics and more often than not offers distinct evidence as to exactly what roll of duct tape, for example, was used and who owned it allowing more guilty verdicts. The more provable evidence becomes, the more circumstantial cases are going to be let go. Do I think she's guilty - yes, but the prosecution was not able to prove their case. I also think more people were involved that just her. The truth will come out eventually, it's just too bad her case has already been tried.

  16. My thoughts...31 days a two year old is missing and her mother doesn't hunt for her..because she already knew where she was....what more did the jury need to know? Sad, sad day. Dianntha

  17. I agree, I don't think if I was sitting on the jury I could have voted not guilty simply because of that reason!

  18. I followed the whole case for three yrars. I believe she is guilty. The jurors did not take any notes for anything except to prove motive. Most of them left there notes on their chairs when they went back to the jury room and the balif had to take the notes to them. They did not study or look at the evidence in the jury room or ask to see any of the video's. Ten hours is all they spent in the jury room over the two days. I think they wanted to go home because one had a cruise and one had rented a place in Europe. They were upset they were missing the summer spent on the case and kept complaining about it. There was no justice for Caylee. There was at least proof of neglect. One jury said they didn't vote for neglect because they didn't know who was responsible for Caylee, Casey or Cindy. If they didn't know they could have asked but it was clear that Cindy, and George didn't have custody of Caylee, and Casey was her Mom. What part of that law didn't they understand? The jurors also made the comment where did she do it if she did it? In a parking lot, etc. Casey ,had assess to the house after George, left for work. Didn't the dogs alert on the back yard where she went next door and borrowed a shovel even though there were five shovels in their own garage? It's a shame when you are more worried about celebrating the fouth of July and eating picnic food than you are with the death of a child. When they said which day she would be freed lightening struck the tree by where Caylee, was dumped. I hope that the public continues to be angry and boycotts any book deal or movie deal she makes. I do not want this woman to live the beautiful life. Casey made the comment when she gets out of jail she'd like to have a baby right away. She has learned nothing and I am sure she will be back in court facing more trials in the years to come. It was clear that Casey , only cared about Casey. I wonder what that poor child went thru everytime she was suppose to be with the Nanny, who did not exist. Just where was she for those two years the Nanny was suppose to be watching her?

  19. I was sickened to hear that she said she would still like to have more children or even adopt... if you cannot man up and say my child is missing, or and accident happened, or I flat out killed my child (only she and her god know what happened, but SOMETHING happened) what in the world makes you think you are responsible enough to do it a second time... This story just makes my tummy churn! Sorry!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!