Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I Need a Younger Man . . .

I'm writing from lovely Pismo Beach. Our hotel is FANTASTIC! We have a first floor room with a patio and we're about 15 feet from the sand. The hotel does a continental breakfast on the patio overlooking the beach. Life's tough, huh?

I wasn't sure we'd ever make it here though. Know why? Grandpa driving! Yes, Hubby drives like a grandpa--prematurely. We were heading south on I-5, and when everyone but the semis were passing us, I tried to nonchalantly lean over to look at the speedometer but Hubby caught me and asked what I was doing, so I told him I was wondering how fast we were going. 65 miles an hour. Exactly the speed limit. As Hubby said, "The Highway Patrol isn't going to supplement the state budget by giving us a speeding ticket!" ARGH!

Then we had to listen to Bob Seeger CDs. Hubby's a die hard old rock and roll fan. ARGH!

I don't understand when Hubby got so much older than me!

We had a terrific dinner at a place called the Cracked Crab--the best clam chowder I've had in a long, long time. We're planning to go back in a couple days.

Tomorrow, we'll hit the beach. Later!


  1. Hey that is the name of the place that I forgot the name of that serves the best clam chowder!!! Glad you found it and are going back. Sunshine and ocean sounds - what a treat!

  2. I always drive the speed limit on trips, that way I don't have to pass anyone, lol. Plus, I always use cruisecontrol. And I love old rock and roll, though not NBob Seeger.

  3. Your DH would have a cow riding with me! Of course, I've been known to supplement the state budget a time or two.... It sounds heavenly where you are! Enjoy the ocean!

  4. Oh, Kim. We have had VERY cold weather here and you are really making me jelouse!! now stop!! But really have a great time and relax!

  5. Your accomodations sound heavenly. Your husband would poop his pants if he rode with mine! He drives like he's in the Daytona 500!!! Rarely gets a ticket tho; has good eyes for cops!

  6. Your title of post caught my eye! You know Kim, there are times when I wonder when my hubby got older than me too though not driving as I'm always asking him to slow down and drive closer to the speed limit. This may come from our days living in Germany with the wonderful autobahns. I think my hubby is old when it comes to today's music on the radio....it drives him insane. We still have a 17 year old at home...road trips and radio listening...not pleasant!

  7. Have a great vacation - sounds like a lovely spot - rest your shoulder and enjoy the beach!
    Cyn - Ottawa, Canada

  8. you're lucky - every road trip we took was with Willy and Whalen - his favorite was "on the road again"

  9. It sounds like you are having a great time! Enjoy it there - it's going to be hot, hot, hot here.

  10. Sounds like you are already enjoying that vacation! Good for you.
    I solve the driving issue. Unless I'm feeling pretty bad I DRIVE! I'm a control freak when it comes to driving. My husband's driving is (on my scale) about an 8 where mine is a 9.9, lol. He occasionally has to be told to back off to a safe following distance, as do 97 percent of the rest of the people on the road. On the interstate I usually set my cruise 7 over the speed limit, unless that makes me the fastest car on the road, but that is rare around here.
    MR and i have similar musical taste, but my favorite is when he reads a novel to me when we are driving. He is an excelent reader and I often tell him he needs to retire and get a job doing just that! I would like to expand my music, but do not get good radio reception where I live and don't spend much time in my car to figure out what is out there and worth listening to. Not likely that I would remember a musician's name by the time I got home anyway.

  11. I'm glad you're having a great time. You deserve it.

  12. Mine is the same way, not even 1 mph over the speed limit. Make sure you take pictures because that's as close to the beach that I'll get in years.

  13. Sounds wonderful and there's nothing with old Rock and Roll. I love me some Bob Seger!

  14. My friend and I just did the Central California Quilt run a couple of weeks ago. Have you been to Quiltin Cousins in Pismo?

  15. "Pismo Beach!--and all the clams you can eat!" Bugs Bunny
    Have a great time! It's supposed to be 94 today in Sacramento. sigh.


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