Monday, May 16, 2011

Yay Rob!

The latest season of Survivor is officially over and if you've been interested in it at all, then I'm sure you probably know Rob finally won after being on the show four times. I like Rob. I know some of you hate him, so you're probably bummed, but at least he's unlikely to come back a fifth time. And I suspect that any of the players you would have preferred to have win were long since voted off.

I find it hard to understand how Former Federal Agent Underpants made it to the end, but as it turned out, it was a wise move for Rob. But, really, what an idiot that guy is! At least he burned those saggy, pink briefs.

Next up, the South Pacific. And two more returning players. I wonder who they are? Any ideas? I didn't really watch the after show--did they say? (I just caught the last couple minutes.) Unfortunately, it looks like we have to wait until fall for the next season. I remember when Survivor first began, it was a great program to fill in during the "off" seasons--I sure wish it was starting again in July to give us all something to watch.


  1. I watched and thought Rob was deserving of the million. The guy "played" everyone perfectly. There were no hints as to who will be on next season. Phillip did his job, playing the wierdo and be entertaining enough to take the pressure off Rob.

  2. In July Big Brother will be on, I do like that show you should give it a try. Have a great day!

  3. They sort of showed faces of the two who would be returning and I thought one of them was Matt....guess time will tell!

  4. I agree with Deb, even w/o seeing the face! Matt was really great at the challenges, and kind of earned a do-over.

    I'm glad Rob won, and really loved seeing his devotion to his family!

    LOVED the comment to Phillip after he deposited his undies, to, "Go wash your hands!"

    Waiting anxiously for Big Brother!

  5. Rob did play the perfect game!! He deserved to win.

    Maybe Philip and Russell will come back?

  6. I am sorry Rob won. He's a professional game player! Survivor 4 times & Amazing Race. Guess he doesn't need a real job. Oh, yeah, forgot about the Vegas show where he was going to be some high rolling gambler. Glad that flopped.

  7. Yeah, Rob. I was on his side from the beginning. Great player of the game.

  8. I'm happy that Rob won - I think he deserved it. I wish we had some decent shows to look forward to this summer. I'm just not a fan of big brother.

  9. I'm with you on wishing they were coming back in July. I really enjoy that show and am glad that Rob won. I wished that Matt would have won the viewer's prize of $100grand. I can believe Russell when he said that it gets in your blood. Guess we just have to wait and see who comes back.

  10. Rob *did* play the perfect game, didn't he? Like Cindy said, I wish matty had won the $100K. As for returning players, my first thought was that matty needed to come back. Don't know who the other would be as long as it is neither Richard Hatch or 'Jonny Fairplay'. I could stand to see both Coach and Stealthy Phil vie against each other. OMG, I think I'd be ROTFLOL!

  11. OMG, that is too funny about Stealthy Phillip and Coach my husband said this at breakfast this morning and I said, No way. Maybe it could happen. Wonder what color the new pair would be???


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!