Thursday, May 26, 2011

Send More Thread!

I thought I'd show you how the Thimbleberries applique basket quilt is coming along.


You can see, I think, where I marked some of the quilt--in the dark blue near the top of the photo, I marked cross hatching, and in the red below that, the white line is the center of feather quilting. Much of the time, I wouldn't bother to mark the feather center, but these areas are larger than the center sections I "feathered" before, and I'm a little less confident when the areas are so large I can't really visualize the whole thing as I'm quilting.

So now I'm working on the white areas around the pieced floral border, and I'm using a meander stitch to fill in; I'll go back and add some quilting in the flowers and leaves later. The bobbin thread I'm using throughout the quilt is the same cream color I'm using in this area, and I realized tonight that I might not have enough to finish the quilt. YIKES! So I just put in an emergency internet Connecting Threads order.

I like Connecting Threads thread. My Juki likes Connecting Threads thread. My bank account likes Connecting Threads thread. I did splurge on this order and paid for extra quick shipping though--I figured I didn't want to wait the worst-case-scenario two weeks for delivery, and the lower cost of the thread more than made up for the added delivery charges.

It's an odd thing, but the post I wrote some time ago--around a couple years back--asking for input on Connecting Threads fabric STILL gets more hits than any other post of mine. I guess there are a lot of quilters out there wondering about the quality of the fabric since the price is so favorable. I keep hearing it's really good--as good as any other quilt shop fabric--but I still haven't purchased any. Have you? The only drawback I've heard was from one quilter who said that when she made a quilt some time after she had purchased the fabric, she found she needed more and it was no longer available. I can see how that might happen. Considering the price, perhaps it makes sense to order a bit more than we think we need, which would solve that problem in many instances. Of course, I pretty much ALWAYS work on that assumption!


  1. Thanks for showing us a little of "how" you do it. I need to practice more I think! Thread is so important.

  2. I like Connecting Threads products and fabric. What I don't like is that they bump the shipping rate (and add $7.50 for us when it is free shipping for everyone else) for Hawaii. And then the stuff comes by USPS and the shipping is the same here as anywhere else. My favorite thread, though, is now Superior thread. It is great. And their titanium needles are awesome, too.

  3. I just bought some thread from Connecting Threads. I held off purchasing for a while because I had heard a lot about it being "linty" and leaving a mess in the throat plate. I decided to give it a go. My favorite threads are also from Superior. I love it when I can find them on sale. That is all I use in the long arm though I have also used Superior thread when quilting on my Janome 1600DP.

  4. I have used connecting threads and though I sew love the price, I find it very challenging to free motion with it. Any suggestions would be appreciated Kim. I do love their book prices.

  5. I stocked up on Connecting Threads years ago and love it. I still have some spools of their variegated that they don't carry anymore...wonder why?!!!

  6. I too use Connecting Threads thread and I love it. It is a bit linty but for the price and amount you get? I'll take some lint! I just invested in a cone of cream and bought a double cone holder. LOVE IT! I have bought their fabric a few years back and while I do like it, I found it a bit "soft" (if that makes any sense). It's not as stiff as LQS fabrics off the bolt. So when I press it, I use Best Press.

  7. I have purchased Connecting Threads fabric in the past. I have had problems with it. The first I ordered was somewhat stretchy. My husband does my quilting for me on a long arm and the first quilt I made using CT fabric he complained about. I mixed the CT fabric with some Moda and he commented that the CT fabric stretched as he quilted it. I then bought a fat quarter bundle of a line I think was called after hours to make a lap quilt for my jazz playing son (he plays trumpet). I just loved the grouping, it was black, red and white. It made up into a gorgeous quilt. However when I washed it before gifting it the red faded badly. It didn't fade into the white, it just lost all it's red vibrancy. I have decided not to purchase fabric from them again. I feel like two chances was enough.

  8. What thread are you using? I bought some a while back and I have yet to use it. But am curious to know, specially if your Juki likes it. I have been using Superior Thread, So Fine, for all my quilting. So I would really like to know that there is a cheaper thread that works with the Juki.
    I did just make my first purchase of their fabric. I bought it to use as a backing on my red schoolhouses. I like the way it feels and I agree about the price. The quality feels the same as a quilt shop, but I feel guilty, as if I'm buying a cheap fabric from Wallmart.

  9. Another great choice is Signature thread in 3000 yard cones. (Kingsmen Quilting supplies sells it for about half the normal retail - Solid colors for $6.95 and varigated for $12.95. )

    I'm slowly replacing the more expensive Superior King Tut thread as it gets used up.

    The quilt's really looking good Kim! Maybe you should have went for the slower shipping to give those shoulders a break. :-)

  10. This little quilt is getting quite the special flourish with all your custom quilting. It will be beautiful.

    Glad to know about Connecting Threads threads.

    As far as not ordering enough material and trying to get more, I'd say that happens with every line of fabric you can buy (speaking as someone who was recently looking for more of a fabric I bought in December 2010 and it is not available ANYWHERE)!

  11. My mother-in-law brought some fabric kits from Connecting threads and it seemed just fine. I think I would order from them.

  12. Hi Kim-I want to tell you how much I am enjoying your blogs on free motioning. I remember reading your tutorial on the 3 loopies but never tried it then. I went back and read it, I dreamt it, I practiced it, then I DID it. I love it on the wallhanging background I'm working on. I now will applique over it. Thanks for being so inspiring.

  13. I love Connecting Threads also. I use the newer Poly threads on the large cones for my longarm and it does a beautiful stitching on it. You can't beat the price and NO LINT! Only drawback as there are not a huge amount of colors to choose from but after all, our grandmothers only used white for quilting so we are really lucky to have so many choices now.

  14. I don't know about fading of the fabrics but I have been happy with the fabrics that came from Connecting Threads. I also like their thread- it is linty but so are other kinds.

    I have some batiks from their first line of batiks. The colors are pretty enough before washing.
    I love their prices for books and tools- I have bought quite a few of both of these categories. Even with the dollar exchange the prices are terrific. I have also ordered batting from them on sale and its name brand batting.
    The shipping is also pretty reasonable from them.
