Saturday, May 14, 2011

Did You Miss Me?

Okay, so if you read my Friday the 13th post, you already know Blogger was down for around 24 hours and I postponed the pincushion kit drawing until tonight. Since I wrote that post earlier today, I've also learned that some of the comments made to posts all over Blogger have also disappeared but are being replaced. (BTW, it was Blogger ONLY--not the other blog hosts, such as Typepad.) If you are worried that you commented for the giveaway and your comment disappeared--have no fear. All comments come into my Yahoo mailbox as emails as soon as they're posted, so even if they disappeared off Blogger, they're still in my mailbox, and that's where I draw winners from. So let's do that, shall we?

My drawings are quite random--you probably know that, right? I just wanted to make that disclaimer because the winner said such nice things about me that you might be suspicious I drew her name for that reason. Here's Carol's comment:

"Oh yes m'am would I love to win that pin cushion kit and visit Gran's shop as well. Unfortunately I live too far away. Am a pin cushion fanatic of every shape and size. And I read blogs on Google Reader each morning and usually scroll through and pick yours as one of the first, if not THE first! always funny and a good way to start the day! from your house cleaning (and the mouse) to your cooking and projects turned out so fast, it's always a good read!"

See? Flattering, isn't it?

Carol, please email your address to me and I'll get the kit in the mail to you.

Now for a little shameless self promotion. Feel free to click away to the next blog at this point. While Blogger was down, I took time to relist a couple of my spring and summer patterns and a few other things on Etsy. If you're inclined to visit my shop, you can get there by clicking your heels together three times and then clicking the link in my sidebar.

See you tomorrow, Blogger willing!


  1. That is a very nice compliment which I agree with. I'm not the Carol winner, it must be Ms. brown Quilts For Me. That was so sweet of you to pick up a kit for a giveaway. Have a great weekend.

  2. Carol, congrats! Blogger was a bad boy. Was wondering what happened to comments!

  3. Hot Diggety! It was me it was me! I am doin tha Happy Dance this morning! Can't wait to get this pin cushion kit and get started. When I saw the picture, I thought it would make a great gift for a sewing friend along with one for myself. I know I won't get it before I leave on my retreat next week, but I will be checking my mailbox for it. I even found the website for the pattern designer to see if there were others I might be interested in. Thank you Kim! Yes, my comment to the giveaway post was from the heart. I truly enjoy your posts and look forward to them each day. Will send my address to you. quiltingranna

  4. Congrats to Carol. Compliments were deserved.

  5. Hey, Kim,

    Can you please tell me how to get your blogger comments to show up in your yahoo box? I've wondered how other bloggers are so good about responding to comments, but have been unable to find the tool to facilitate it myself.


  6. Congratulations to Carol! Happy winner! It was sure nice of you to give away from the shop - Fabric Garden! Where the quilting is fine and all the women are good looking ... lol!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!