Thursday, April 14, 2011

Because You Just Can't Have Too Many Baskets . . .

Today was a little bit busy between painting (the sealer/base coat in the bathroom) and meeting friends for dinner, but I found a little time this evening for sewing.

Remember that first floral border piece I made for the Thimbleberries basket/applique quilt that I decided was too small? Well, you can't just let a cute little thing like that go to waste, so I built a basket for it. (Each of those half-square triangle pieces is a half inch finished--you can see the one inch grid on my cutting mat through the acrylic extension table.)

I'll probably spend a little more time in the next couple days adding to it--some borders, maybe an appliqued handle, and who knows what else? Our Thimbleberries Club is going to have an end-of-the-year drawing for some kind of prize, and we get an entry for each mini quilt we make and show--this will (eventually!) be my first for this year.


  1. It is so pretty and those tiny HSTs. Awesome!

  2. I agree, you can't have too many baskets. This is a cutie! It would make a great pillow to match the quilt.

  3. I love basket quilts, and you're right - you can never have too many!

  4. Your basket block is ADORABLE! I am planning a basket quilt for my next project

  5. I think you can count the mini-quilt for thimbleberries as one of the 11......

  6. It's adorable on it's own! But I can't wait to see what you do-- no doubt it will be spectacular.

  7. you mean you're not gonna do umpty-ump more of them and use them as another border for the Quilt That Never Ends?!? seriously?!? bwah ha ha!

  8. I think you should put it on your blog as a giveaway and I should win it. I absolutely love it.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!