Tuesday, February 8, 2011


I'm feeling particularly self-indulgent this evening. And sleepy. For some reason, I had to battle staying awake at work all afternoon, and I probably came closer to dozing off at my desk than I ever have in my life. I haven't done it yet though. Have you?

I came home tonight with the thought of going to bed early with a good book--which I'll do pretty soon. In the meantime, the idea of going to bed with a good book got me thinking that it had been awhile since I had an up close and personal experience with Amazon dot com. So while Hubby was fixing sandwiches for our dinner, I decided to pop in and see what they wanted to recommend. Want to know what I saw there that kind of got my blood stirring and woke me up a bit?

No, it's not out yet, but I think Amazon said it would be released on February 22nd. Yay!

And although THIS particular book isn't out yet, Amazon dot com had several others I felt I needed. So I placed an order. Then I ate dinner and placed another order. And that doesn't even count the several used books I clicked on. I guess I'd better go to bed now before I have nothing left in my bank account. I just love a good book. Or 20.


  1. Oh, thanks, will have to check on this at the Library. Put a reserve in. Thanks. Will check her website also.

  2. I love books too, but now prefer them for my Nook. By placing subtle hints at Christmas , between Dave and I we got $130.00 in B&N gift cards. LOTS of books!!!

  3. Bonnie Hunter got me in trouble at Amazon yesterday. She told about a free book on her blog. I went over to check it out....the next thing I knew, I had four books in my cart for my Kindle! Argh! It was a 'reward' for finishing a book up this weekend! Now, to find the time to read them all!

  4. Oh wow, I'm so glad you told me about that new book coming out. I love her quilting novels! :-) Amazon can be dangerous!!

  5. How ironicc! I picked up 3 of her novels last week at the library, but have yet to crack it open. Maybe today is the day. Enjoy, Kim!

  6. Amazon gets me in trouble too!! Have you considered a Nook? I don't have one, but I'm trying to decide if I could enjoy my books as much on one. My niece just got the colored Nook and it is great, but is there anything like holding the actual book in your hand???

  7. I spent a little time with Amazon last night myself, and saw that book. I'll wait for the library to get it though. I ordered Pioneer Woman's new book, and Bonnie Hunter's new book, and something about hiking for hubby.

  8. Will check that book out over at Amazon, sounds like a good one. I love Civil War history, a novel, even better. Doesn't sound like a wasted night to me.

  9. I can't wait either! I'll have to request it from the library in audio form.

  10. I have fallen asleep at work. I fall asleep when I am bored or I have not gotten enough sleep for a number of days in a row.

  11. I am going to get this book too. Love Amazon and also like my Reader Libary as I am one of the unusual ones and have a Sony Reader instead.

  12. I have all of Jennifer's books and love them all! This one looks like another good one. I have an e-reader since Christmas and now don't know if I should get the "real" book or not..oh, decisions.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!