Friday, February 11, 2011

Not a Bad Beginning

When it's your daughter's birthday and you want to do something nice to start her day, you might fix her something like this for breakfast:

Trader Joe's chocolate croissants. Have you tried them? Really yummy! And not too horrible calorie-wise. And the best thing? There are four in a box. So when it's your daughter's birthday and you want to do something nice to start her day, you can do something nice to start your own day. And your hubby's. And STILL have one left over.

I've been starting to think lately about Easter. I know--Valentine's Day isn't even here yet, right? But do you know how FAST time flies?

Anyway, do you recall the Bette Bunny wallhanging pattern and the kits I put together a couple years ago? Well, I was thinking about doing something along those lines--maybe a Mr. Bunny. Yes, I did make a male bunny at the time, but I want to refine him--or maybe make a wallhanging with the pair of them. As you can obviously see, I'm just getting started on the thinking part of the design. But one way or another, I knew I wanted more white wool for bunny making, so I hit the thrift store at lunch.

And today was a good thrifting day.

Yes, I found two white wool blazers and Hubby is once again employed as a garment deconstructor. Too bad the job doesn't pay much more than a chocolate croissant for breakfast. Besides the blazers, though, I found two identical 100 percent cotton white eyelet skirts with tiny ruffles between the panels.

Originally I thought I would probably make pillow cases or something like that out of them, but then I started thinking about mixing pieces into a quilt. See, that's what I love about thrifting--it gets me thinking about possibilities, and that gets me in a creative frame of mind.

I also found a white linen skirt with a bunch of cutwork and tone-on-tone applique around the bottom edge. Again, possibly a pillow. I didn't take a photo of that one though. Then I found a couple scarves. I photographed two to show you but they look like some kind of dead animals here, don't they?

I think they're hand crocheted or knitted using eyelash and a pom pom yarn. One's black and white and the other is black, blue, and purple. I hand washed them when I got them home and in the photo, I have them laying out on a towel drying.

I also found a few houseware/glass items that are in the dishwasher, but this pitcher escaped so far--

I think some kind of watermelon motif tablerunner is going to have to be made before too long. In fact, I think watermelons may be the look this summer--at least in my home!

I hate to end such a nice day, but it's just about that time again. I hope you're having a good day too, but if not? Start tomorrow with a chocolate croissant. It really works!


  1. Wish I was closer to have the 4th choc croissant from the box!!! Love the watermelon pitcher!

  2. I can't believe that watermelon pitcher! Wish I had one. (And maybe a croissant or two)

  3. Love that watermelon pitcher! You should just send it to me....I have the melon slice quilt from Camp Picnic that I want to get quilted soon. Just quilted the whirl and twirl picnic quilt from the same line...and I'm thinking that pitcher matches PERFECTLY! Let me know if you need my mailing address!


  4. I'm back. I just wanted to let you know you are a BAD influence on me. We must have been 'in sync' as far as the watermelon accessories....I've been thinking about decorating with them since I started these UFOs. Just so you know, QVC has a handpainted watermelon pitcher (with matching bowl). I've NEVER ordered from QVC before...until today....hope you are happy! Have a good day!

  5. Oh, look what you started. Is there any markings on that pitcher. So neat.

  6. Oh, look what you started. Is there any markings on that pitcher. So neat.

  7. Oh, look what you started. Is there any markings on that pitcher. So neat.

  8. Eileen REALLY wants to know if there are any markings on that pitcher! ROFLMAO

  9. Now I need to go to Trader Joe's. No fair! Nice haul from trifting! I love the scarfs you found.

  10. A day started with chocolate can't go wrong. :) Love the watermelon pitcher, too cute!

  11. What a nice way to end your week. I hope you have some fun sewing this weekend.

  12. Wow. That's quite a haul! What fun. :-)

  13. I think a trip to Trader joe's is in order today! I went thrifting yesterday, too, but I didn't find anything as cool as that pitcher. I got a couple of wool sweaters, and a little china basket that wants to become a pincushion!

  14. I love your watermelon pitcher Kim- very funky and will look great on a picnic table with summer drinks in it.
    As for those scarves- I have knit a few of them a few years ago. They were quick to make and very popular here to dress up a winter coat.
    The one on the left sure has pretty yarn in it.
    Hope you are having a great weekend. Warmest regards,

  15. Hi Kim, after reading the comments looks like you are a bad influence on us. :) Some were so funny. (Made my day). Looking forward to your watermelon runner, hope you will share your pattern with us. Now see what you have started. Hee,Hee. Happy Valentines Day!!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!