Saturday, January 8, 2011

Step Away From The Cotton

As someone who loves textiles but primarily quilts, it's always a little scary but somewhat liberating for me to play around with fabrics that aren't the standard printed cotton fabrics we use every day. A couple of days ago, I posted a photo of one of our cats with this pillow in the background--

Want to know how it came about? Well, two years ago, I found this sweater in a thrift store . . .

. . . and I decided to use it to make something frilly for Valentine's Day. A heart pillow seemed just the thing! I liked the button detail, so I incorporated it into the design. In fact, the buttons made it really simple to sew a heart shape and then turn the pillow cover right side out. There's a secondary muslin heart pillow inside that holds the fiberfill. AND the crocheted cover can be unbuttoned and removed for washing. Cool, huh?!

Thrift store garments are ideal for these kinds of projects because they're inexpensive and because sometimes we can find the most interesting textures, prints, and colors in clothing that can't be easily found in fabric on the bolt.

The other day I visited the thrift store and gathered up some interesting pink and white garments for a little creative play.

If you have some free time this weekend, stop by your local thrift store and see if anything sparks your imagination. And here's a great tip: Make sure you check the children's clothing section. Quite often, little girls' dresses are frilly, lacy, and cute as can be--and that's a great start for a Valentine or spring time project. In addition, children's clothing is usually about half the price of adult clothing.

I'll be sure to show you what I make with my treasures!


  1. Kim that pillow is adorable and your idea is wonderful. I am thinking that maybe I can find something that would work with my crazy quilt. Thank you for the idea.

  2. Your sweater is perfect! Love the frills and the buttons. I actually hit the thrift shop last weekend, and plan to turn a sweater into something this weekend! I'll show the before and after.

  3. What great ideas! I love to check out local thrift stores for items that can be reused in a new and creative way.

  4. I have been making sewn mittens with wool from sweaters I found in thrift stores. I boiled them and then cut out the patterns and stitched...everyone always loved them.

    Awesome post.

  5. sweeeet!!!

    i noticed the pillow the other day and thought "hmmmm - do i have anything crocheted that i could do that with? uhm ... no ... no, i don't ... and if i DID, my mother would KILL me for cutting into whatever it is ... death by old lady whacking would be too painful" ... and then i shook my head and the thought fell out till i read this post.

    it really IS pretty, though!

  6. i remember that heart pillow. Still love it. I'll wait patiently to see what you come up with using your new finds!

  7. What an awesome idea! I have an old bedspread upstairs bought at an estate sale... Now you have given me some ideas.

  8. Great idea. I have been picking up some 100% wool blazers to take apart and use for projects.

  9. Lovely...I so seldom think of using other things, like sweaters for much I'm missing out on. Thanks for the inspiration!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!