Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Closed for attitude adjustment.

I'm not sure why, but I'm feeling kind of cranky and blah tonight. And I don't feel very good either. In fact, if I still had PMS, I'd say that's it, but I don't think so. Ick!

So what do YOU do to snap out of it? I think I'll just go to bed and adopt an attitude of denial. I suspect I'll be back to normal tomorrow. (Okay, so SOME might not agree that "normal" is the best word choice, but you know what I mean.)


  1. Yep I know that exactly. Typing this from my bed because I was just too grumpy to play nice anymore.

  2. Got you. Yesterday was apparently national grumpy day. I did the denial in bed routine and so far this morning it seems to have worked. Happy Day!

  3. At least you recognized it....think of all the people who are grumpy all the time and infect others with it - LOL! Feel happy! Valentines Day is close!

  4. Right there with you sister except I kinda like this attitude so I think I'll keep it!

    Karen in IN

  5. I was the same yesterday as well. Was it a full moon??

  6. You were probably just tired, I'm sure after getting a good nights sleep you'll be good as new.

  7. Feel better Kim. A good rest and relaxing night couldn't hurt.


  8. Hope your attitude is better today. With the work week you wrote about last week, geesh, I don't understand why you're not grumpy more often.
    I often have to use the phrase "normal for me". My oldest sis and I were discussing my state of normal last week. Yeah, shes still my friend.
    Blessings ;~)

  9. I don't know what is causing it, myabe the full moon, but yesterday seemed like a grumpy day for every one. Lots of complaints of headaches and just generally feeling blah - so in the interst of science I conducted an experiment and engaged in some retail therapy. Yes I did feel better after acquiring some new sock yarn and a little fabric. I figure it was cheaper than therapy and I have something to show for it! Hope you're feeling better!

  10. Sounds like an intervention is in order - Friday, 6:30 pm, Vintage Notions - something to look forward to AND Vitamin D. Just sayin' You are the Best!

  11. Hope you're feeling better today Kim! Sometimes a good night's sleep can work wonders! :-)

  12. Yesterday was my bad day. It took me until dinner time to start coming around (I must say, the wine with dinner probably went a long way with improving my mood.
    To keep a repeat from happening today I took counteractive measures which I mentioned in today's blog post if you're interested. :)

  13. I hope yours doesn't last as long as mine. I've been blah to grouchy since before Christmas. I haven't even looked at fabric, now you know for a quilter, that's bad.
    Feel better soon.


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