Saturday, December 4, 2010

Tamale Making 101

Tomorrow (actually today, but I have to sleep first), five of my stitching friends are coming over to make tamales. It's going to be a bit of a squeeze with all of us in my kitchen so it's a good thing we like each other!

I took out my table--which seats six when necessary and without any elbow room--and replaced it with a 6 foot long folding table--which means it's a little hard to get around without running into something and will be even harder once everyone's seated. We'll manage though.

I've gotten just about everything done that I was hoping to get done this week except for quilting my Christmas bed quilt and making stuff to go with it--like pillow cases. But there's always next week, even if I DO have to go back to work.

I thought I'd show you a photo of the front of our house so far.

I strung lights around the patio area today and wired a large, gaudy bow to the fence. We still need to string lights along the front of the porch and garage roof line--with just the lights on the patio, it looks a little lopsided.

Unfortunately, Hubby's not going to be doing the lights tomorrow. He'll be spending the day elsewhere, because the LAST thing he wants to do is spend the day with us ladies, chatting, stitching, and cooking. I'm pretty certain, though, that he'll be home in time to eat some tamales for dinner!


  1. Sounds like a really FUN day! I'll be by later for some tamales!

  2. What fun!! I have never had a tomale before!! I always order a Taco Salad...maybe I need to branch out a bit....and try it!! Have fun and say hi to Gran for me!! I suddenly have the urge for Mexican food...

  3. Your house is decorated so cute! Have fun with your friends.

  4. Your home looks lovely. Your plans sound like so much fun. I never made Tamales, or even eaten one to tell the truth so I'm going to have to look into that and see what it's all about. Have fun.

  5. Counting the minutes - your home looks so welcoming and BEAUTIFUL!!! You do have that decorating gene - big time!!!!!!

  6. I wish I lived closer...I'd be there in a heartbeat to keep you and Gran out of trouble...

  7. I love your kitchen! Looks so fun and festive for the season. Tamales sound yummy too!

  8. Kim,
    You have done it up grand- your kitchen looks so festive and beautiful- I am sure the tamales were delicious- though like others I have never eaten one-
    I have eaten burritos, tacos, soft tacos and nachos- lots of other Mexican type food.
    Hope you had a fantastic day full of laughs sharing some great times with friends.
    Warmest regards,

  9. love what you're doing, your house looks so cute! love your Christmas red in the kitchen, AND the way you even "quilt" while making gingerbread houses....."on-point" funny!

    keep up the good work, love reading your blog!



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