Saturday, December 18, 2010

So Far, So Good

Thanks, everyone, for your support! I can tell that several of you have been in a similar situation and understand the frustration and mindless anger I've experienced this week.

As I was getting ready for work this morning, the surgery center called Hubby to say, "Don't eat or drink anything; we might move your surgery up. We'll call you." Hubby assured me that if they moved up the surgery, he'd get someone to give him a ride and would call me at work to let me know. Around 11:30 a.m., when I hadn't heard anything, I called him; he'd just gotten off the phone with someone who told him they were leaving him scheduled for 5 p.m. That meant he had a half hour window in which he could have clear liquids before his pre-surgery fast. ARGH!

So, guess what I did. I spent my lunch hour getting a pedicure! Seriously, being massaged and pampered while reading a good book for an hour or so is the best stress reliever around in my book--and I ended up with cute red toenails too, just in time for the holidays!

After work, I headed to the surgery center and was told Hubby wasn't out of surgery yet but would be soon. Sure enough, before a half hour passed, Hubby's surgeon came out to tell me what they'd done and to assure me the surgery had gone well. Another half hour passed and they let me go back to the postop recovery area to sit with Hubby until he was released to come home around 8:30 p.m.

Hubby's left hand looks like a big mitten--or, as he describes it, a Q-tip with a thumb. His hand will remain wrapped for ten days until he sees his surgeon for a postop check. So far--about five hours postop--he's not in too much pain, although the hand is still fairly numb. We'll see how the night progresses, but he has some good, strong pain medication to help get him through.

One of the first things Hubby asked about when I was with him in postop was food and whether I was going to cook or if we'd stop and get fast food on the way home. Sadly, his postop instructions dictated otherwise--clear liquids and bland, easy to digest foods, at least for tonight. So now he's eaten--if you can call it that--and called all of our friends and family to let them all know things had gone well. Maybe life can start getting back to normal now--or at least as normal as life ever gets.


  1. I'm so glad it went well and that it actually happened in the first place!! Have a good weekend Kim. I'm glad you got a pedicure, that was a good idea!

  2. Glad to hear that all went well.

  3. Glad to hear all went well, and I hope your hubby has a speedy recovery. And good for you for treating yourself. You had a stressful week and needed to stop and treat yourself.

  4. Good to hear that yesterday went well. I hope hubs stays ahead of any pain with his meds and you all get some rest the weekend. Hugs!

  5. So glad everything went well with your hubby! I've been reading your blog, and because you've been so busy..I took a nap for you! WOW! I don't know how you do it!
    Hope you have a relaxing weekend and put those feet up and look at those cute red toenails!
    Merry Christmas

  6. So glad everything went well and he is on the road to recovery!! And you have pretty it's a win, win all round!! :o) You take are...and if need be..go for a manicure next!! Take care and all the best!

  7. Glad hubby's surgery is over and he can start getting better.

  8. Good-luck, hope the weekend goes well and that you all stay dry.

  9. So happy that all went well! Both of you have a wonderful weekend and holiday!

  10. Glad the surgery is over and it sounds like it went well but honestly the surgery center needs a good talking to - first they say they may move you up, so you can't eat and then they leave you hanging and put him off till 5pm! That is just wrong! Sorry but stuff like that make my blood boil- would they want to go all day without eating? I think not -- good thing it wasn't my family member this time (can you tell this has happen to my family too?) Hope the weekend is peaceful and as pain free as possible.

  11. I can hardly wait to read your book ... Life is hard and then we die ... but along life's way I am glad that you and that DH of yours have crossed my path. Here is to pain pills :o)


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