Monday, December 13, 2010

Practically Paradise

Baking . . .

Quilting . . .

Reading . . .

Livin' la vida loca. Yes, that is just a tinge of sarcasm you detect, although this was my day and it wasn't a bad one. I think I'm just getting a little stressed about Christmas. How about you?


  1. No stress here yet. There's plenty of time. It's not Dec 24 yet.

  2. I'm not too stressed this year, mostly because I cannot do as much. But I am certainly gaining weight just looking at all the delicious cookies that are posted online ;-)

  3. Maybe the stress is karma from keeping snowmen in glass cages, hehe. Just kiding that is a very cute decoration.
    Deep breaths, and eat more cookies with tea, coffee, milk, hot cocoa. That's my prescription.

  4. Stunning quilt! Love the colors.
    Not experiencing any Christmas stress yet. Looking forward to it and counting the days till the 25th.
    Christmas greetings, Helen

  5. H E double hockey sticks, Yeah! Too stressed for words!
    We may be going down to your neck of the woods again, to get another car. This whole process is too stressful for me. And it is out shining, out weighing Christmas.

  6. I really really like Kris' attitude and think that's the one I'm going with!! It's NOT Dec. 24th yet!!! :D And I think it sounds like the PERFECT day at your house!! Love the looks of ALL of those goodies, quilts and book included. :) Enjoy!

  7. Humph, forgot to tell you that that quilt looks like a "Christmas Dash" quilt. :)

  8. Love your quilt. Can you please tell us what pattern you used, it is wonderful. Thanks.

  9. I hope to have one day like that over Christmas break.

    What patterns is that quilt? I love the little churndashes. IS it something you designed? Would love to find a copy.


  10. STRESSED is exactly how I'm feeling right now! After spending five emotional days on jury I was released to fly to LA to attend my uncle's funeral, now we have a trip to Texas yet before Christmas. It hasn't left me much time to shop or bake! Yikes!


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