Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Layer Cake Quilt Along--Block 3

I FINALLY had a little time alone in the Sweat Shop tonight, and I spent it making the latest layer cake quilt along block--or at least a reasonable facsimile thereof. While the original pattern was nice, I decided to make the handle a little more "all of one piece" in appearance; I was fortunate that my layer cake contains two squares of many of the fabrics, so I could squeeze out the extra I needed.

I have to warn you though: the camera really seems to HATE the red and white fine stripe I used as a background, and looking at the photo might make your eyes go funny depending on your monitor and the size of the photo!

Fortunately that doesn't happen in "real life"--it looks pretty normal.

At some point down the road, I think I might like to add some yo-yo "flowers" to the basket or maybe applique something in there, but I think I'll wait to see what the rest of the blocks look like before deciding.

Now that I've gotten my little sewing "fix," I think I'll be able to sleep well tonight. And it's time for me to head in that direction--I have a big shopping trip planned for tomorrow!


  1. Nice!! Wishing you a shopping trip filled with fun, good food and lots of packages to bring home.

  2. I really like that! I'm not digging the block pattern which is why mine still isn't done. I like your idea of the yoyo or applique addition.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!