Friday, November 5, 2010

Pest Extermination, Day 1

The guy who ISN'T Billy the Exterminator came today. I asked Hubby whether OUR exterminator watches Billy, but Hubby didn't ask. I asked Hubby whether OUR exterminator watched the Dirty Jobs episode that aired the other night. Mike Rowe was helping catch a skunk and had to go under someone's house to get another DEAD skunk. Hubby didn't ask. What in the heck DID they talk about if not these fascinating subjects? Sheesh!

So anyway, here's the run down of pest extermination, day 1--because I know from watching reality TV that America likes nothing better than a good pest extermination saga.

10 a.m. The pest control guy arrives

11:09 a.m. The pest control guy finishes laying numerous rat traps all over the house. Some are sticky traps, some are snap traps, and some are some other kind of traps that I haven't seen yet.

11:15 a.m. The pest control guy leaves

9:23 p.m. Barely more than ten hours later, one of the sticky traps is successful in catching something. Unfortunately, that "something" is me when I step into the pantry with my arms loaded with canned goods after a grocery shopping trip. I had to remove my tennis shoe altogether to pry the sticky trap off the shoe. AND I'm going to need to treat my tennis shoe with something to get the rest of the goo residue off.

And I can now confirm, judging by the red itchy and painful bumps on my left leg, that we do indeed have fleas. At least I know that when the pest exterminator comes to treat for fleas, I won't be wasting my money.



  1. Dear Kim....

    If I were you I'd pack up my sewing stuff and run away. OMG a rat is running around? You need to hang out with us farm girls a while -- we shoot varmits !!!!

    We had the flea experience from the dog -- literally had to chemically bomb our house and be out of it for two days. 4 adults 2 cats and 2 dogs in one camper for two days led to many discussions... use your imagination!

  2. We give our dogs flea treatment each month, so no fleas. Good luck with the extermination.

  3. Haven't caught that one little mouse yet??

    As for the flea problem, you surely will not be wasting money....



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