Saturday, September 18, 2010

Schnibbles Through the Year

Today I was thinking about the Schnibbles class I'll be teaching next Saturday (among other things, I was sending letters to the students from my last class), and I remembered I still hadn't posted my personal "Year of Schnibbles Parade"--I thought this might be a good time for it. Although Sherri and Sinta will be hostessing a similar "club" for the upcoming year called Le Petite: A Year of Small Projects (there's still time to join), the Year of Schnibbles is done--except that before October 1st, each of us who participated is supposed to post our projects for the year. So, here it is, from September through August:

A couple of the photos show unquilted tops, but they have all been quilted since I first photographed them. Just out of idle curiousity, which of these patterns would you most like to make, or if you've already made some or all of them, which did you enjoy most?

I think I have three that I really love for slightly different reasons. Because I find the Kate Spain 12 Days of Christmas fabric wonderfully happy, making Reveille was a joy--watching the patterns and colors emerge was fun! I also really loved the softer color palette of the Fig Tree Whimsy fabric--I'm not sure I would have played with that line if not for making the Schnibbles patterns, and now every time I look at it, I want to make something else with that same line--it feels both joyous and tranquil to me. Finally, I had a lot of fun with the Mary Engelbreit fabric I used in State Fair, and the pattern itself seemed to be designed for embellishments--those pinwheels just screamed for button centers.

I'm looking forward to next year's "club"--this has been a lot of fun. And just look at all the quilts we made!


  1. I think my favorite was Madeline, but they're all so pretty.

  2. Love them all. Plan C is the one I am making now.

  3. Pattern-wise, I like Picnic, then Plan C, then Madeline. Color-wise, I think Sunday Best is striking - maybe it's because it's so far from the colors I usually choose. Plus, you have a nice model helping you with that photo.

  4. I love the Winter White one :) That one was before I joined the parade so I haven't made it but I'm thinking it should go on my shopping list. I particularly like your fabric choice for it...what line did you use? Great Show Kim!

  5. Thank you so much for the quilt parade. They are all wonderful! I love Madeline and Plan C. And the teal and red of Picnic!

  6. Thank you Kim for the Quilt Show. Are are lovely, but Winter White is my favorite. You are one busy gal. Take care.

    Linda Z

  7. I made the Plan C a long time ago out of American Jane fabric. Haven't had time to make any others, but I hope to remedy that next year!

  8. I think the August and September ones were my favorites. How big are these quilts? They are all wonderful.

  9. Love the many great quilts. I'm not sure which my favorite is...maybe State Fair of the ones in the parade? Good Fortune is one of my fav's, but we didn't do that one...I also love Paganini and Joy Luck!

  10. All of your Schnibbles are terrific. The one you made from Old Primrose Inn was gorgeous because of the colors. I love the State Fair pattern best, I think. It's just a really happy design.

  11. I love all of your quilts, but the January pink one is my favorite!

  12. Cindy Loo Who is my favorite but I love them all. Cindy makes me smile!!

  13. Love your fabulous year of Schnibbles! Plan C is wonderful.

  14. What a wonderful parade! I love the colors of Sunday Best and love the pattern of Joy Luck Club. I haven't been bitten by the Schnibble bug yet but I think there is one or two in my future!

  15. Love them all!! Gorgeous!!

  16. It has been a delight watching your year of schibbles, I am a fan!!! Your quiting and writing are wonderful and I find them to be inspiring!

  17. I love all of your quilts...too hard to pick a favorite!

  18. I love them all! I love Plan C but those HSTs.... I don't do so well with them so I haven't attempted it yet. Someday I will.

  19. Of course I am partical to Picnic! It's so fun... but all of them have your signature on them, don't they!!! Great parade Kim- I am so glad that you were in A Year of Schnibbles... looking forward to Le Petite!

  20. Love many of your fabrics choice for your schnibbles, wonderful parade.

  21. Beautiful parade of Schnibbles! Way to go - take a bow!

  22. Your quilts all are fabulous :) I love the fabrics you used. That's great you got them all quilted, I still have two left to quilt... I've gotta get with it!

  23. They are all beautiful, but I guess that Cindy Lou Who stands out to me. I think it's the effect from the black and white fabric. A wonderful accomplishment.

  24. Your Cindy Lou Who & Picnic are fabulous. I like Whimsy too, looking forward to making a quilt out of it! What a schnibble collection you have. Congrats on doing all of them.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!