Monday, September 20, 2010

The Pumpkins Are Coming!

The Pumpkins Are Coming!

I emailed the local farm market on Saturday to find out if their pumpkins were harvested and for sale yet and learned that indeed they were! This is the place I drove out to TWICE last year because they have such a great selection of unusual varieties of pumpkins at decent prices. I ALMOST drove out there today--this place is a bit outside town into the country and about a half hour drive--but I opted to wait until Wednesday when Gran can join me. I can hardly wait!

I didn't so much mind not going today because I had another excursion planned: The Roseville Fall Antique Fair. The weather was a little sprinkly off and on, but it was warm and the sprinkles really didn't last more than a minute or two.

I think the only thing I purchased that wasn't actually NEW was a box of old glass Christmas ornaments. I have a small "collection" of smaller ones, so I decided to add these to the mix. And see that red urn? Couldn't pass that up either. There's kind of a funny story that goes with it.

As the woman was wrapping up the urn for me, I told her the first thing my husband was going to say was, "Why did you buy an URN? Whose ashes are you going to put in it?!" And I would then tell him, of course, that I was planning to put HIS ashes in the urn. I could tell the woman was slightly shocked. When I got home and pulled out the urn, Hubby said, "Why did you buy an URN? Were you planning to put my ashes in it?!" Now how well do I know him? And sadly he knows me too well too--I never got to use the punch line because he beat me to it!

I think I mentioned that I'd bought a styrofoam head at the thrift store a week or so ago, didn't I? I finally got around to doing a little papier mache on her--or him? Now it needs to dry, and I'm sure the nose will take a couple days, because it's pretty built out.

After I cleaned house on Saturday, I decided to set the kitchen table for Halloween--yes, I know I'm early but that's okay. I bought the plates at the Hundred Dollar Store--they're made of a plastic and are very inexpensive but look great; in fact, I saw them in a magazine the other day.

The plastic pumpkin and ghost are only temporary table guests--soon they too will become papier mache creations!

Finally, I thought I'd show you what I've been working on quilt-wise. It doesn't all fit in the photo very well, but I've gotten the center blocks set and sewn together for the Jelly Roll Sampler Quilt Along. I still have to add borders, but I'm planning to keep them fairly simple. I hope to get a better photo to share once the top is completed.

Another fun weekend has come to an end, but I have a pumpkin collecting excursion to look forward to in a couple days. I hope you've had a wonderful weekend too and are enjoying the beginning of fall!


  1. Your jellyroll sampler quilt looks fabulous. This is going to be awesome. I am green w/envy!!!

  2. I'm liking your paper mache projects - is that cheaper than paper clay? I've never worked with either item so I haven't a clue.

    I wish I'd known about the show in Roseville - I would've told my mom & sister about it so they could go enjoy it too!

  3. You are definitely in the throes of Halloween--great looking number of projects you've made. The jelly roll sampler is smashing (pumpkins)!

    My DH always steals my thunder when I ask him to guess how much my bargains cost. He always underbids and then when I say it was $8 instead of $3 I sound like a spendthrift!

  4. Everything is looking good at your house! Looking forward to Wednesday! See you at Knot-y Embroidery Ladies tonight.

  5. Love your falloween decorated home and your jelly roll sampler quilt is perfect- what a brilliant idea to use a theme for it and add in a pumpkin or two! You are amazing!

  6. Okay. I LOVE how you set your JRS blocks! Would you mind if I copied you??? That makes the sampler much more interesting!

    The menu on the table cracks me up too!


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