Sunday, September 5, 2010

A Little Play Time

Chris from Sacramento left a comment saying she was heading to the thrift stores today and hoped I'd left something for her to buy. Well, Chris, I was in ONE of the Goodwill stores today too, and I found a few things, but I'm sure I left plenty for you--after all, there are about eight other Goodwill stores in the area not to mention the many other thrift stores here.

Halloween is one of my favorite times of the year for thrifting. I thought this candleholder had lots of ghoulish potential:

Somewhere I think I have some spray stuff that makes things look like granite, and that seems like a good possibility for transforming this piece. Hubby suggested I then paint the cherubs' eyes red, but I think black, empty, soul-less holes might be the better option. Do you have an opinion?

That reminds me of a little story. I told the Wild Child today that I was going to Michael's and asked if she needed anything. She stared at me for a moment and then slowly looked around the craft/computer room and said, "You mean you don't already have enough cr*p?!" I can see that she and her father are going to start double teaming me now that she's moved back home, so one or the other is going to have to go! Any offers? I'm pretty sure there's still some life left in Hubby if you want him.

So what did I go to Michael's for? Remember this magazine I showed you a week or so ago? It has several fun crafty ideas.

Well, as I often do, I looked at all the photos and didn't bother read what supplies were needed for the different projects--I just figured I had something that would work if I didn't have the actual thing they used. After all, The Wild Child DID have a point about all the craft supplies I have (but DON'T tell her I said so, okay?). This is the project I wanted to work on today--the "Halloween trio":

I actually had just about everything I needed already but I wanted to get a couple of the paints. So after shopping (and after I came home and cleaned house--because we all know you can't play until all the chores are done), I got my hands dirty with this stuff:

And I ended up with this so far:

Tomorrow, I'll start the painting. And I have another project or two I want to work on--as well as some quilting stuff. I love long weekends! And to make it even better? Hubby took a couple Trader Joe's chocolate croissants out of the freezer for our breakfast. I guess I'd better get to bed now so I don't miss breakfast--yum!


  1. Dang, you are TALENTED.

    I already have one man around the house, thank you very much, but I'll take Wild Child as a full-time volunteer classroom assistant in my kindergarten, how's that?! Maybe she can help deal with crying moms on the first day of school. I'm sure she'd be delighted.

    My vote is for black, soul-less holes for eyes on the cherubs...

  2. I love your blog - you always make me chuckle! The plant stand makes me think of the remake of the movie "the House on Haunted Hill" you should watch that and then paint the cherubs/ghouls! As for wild child's comment - I have one just like her! I usually ask if we can then look at her closet with ALL her clothes or her makeup- that she always "needs" more of! She usually stomps away in a huff!

  3. I really enjoy your blog. I have my own sweetie and wild child so I will have to pass on that. But I really must insist that you keep that "can't play till all the chores are done" stuff to yourself.LOL If my sweetie finds out I may never have time to "play" again.

  4. I agree with Jody - chores are always there and once they are done they just have to be done over again - what's the point. PLAY instead!! Anyway, what about glow in the dark paint??

  5. Kim you are amazing! Can't wait to see that painted! Florence

  6. Your stack of pumpkins is just too cute! I need to go to Michaels and check out this magazine and get some supplies. I also live with a person who doesn't understand the necessity of additional "crap" -- tsk tsk - don't they realize that "crap" is waaaaay cheaper than therapy and you have something to show for it when you get done! Have a great Labor Day!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!