Sunday, September 12, 2010

Having a Ball! Wish You Were Here!

I've been having some fun decorating today although it's a lot of work too. And I'm at that in between stage where I've taken down all the summer "stuff" and started putting up the fall "stuff" but it's nowhere near done and much of the house is just a mess. I think the photo below gives you a little idea of what some of the less messy areas look like--

See, it's not bad, but it's sparse and doesn't have much going on yet. But it will!

When I put up the Happy Jacks quilt, it occurred to me to let my newer readers know that there's a tutorial down there in my sidebar to make the quilt if you're interested--it's a pretty simple quilt. I've had a fun time today, getting out my fall quilts again. On the one hand, it seems like I have a TON; but on the other hand, when the Wild Child asked what I had for her bed, I was hard pressed to find one that was bed size. I'll have to work on that this next year, I suppose!

In any event, the quilts are out and mostly in place. Tonight I worked on decorating those candy jars you can see in the photo--I know you can't see them very well, but I'll get better photos later. I enlisted the help of the Wild Child--she went to the store and came home with several bags of colorful, Halloween-appropriate candy. I've also been working this evening painting some wooden "plates"--I should have something to show tomorrow, I hope.

I still have a lot more decorating to do tomorrow, so I'd better get a little rest. Thanks for visiting!


  1. I have to change my plans for today...guess I'll pull out my fall stuff instead of laundry...

  2. Thanks for the reminder of the tutorial for Happy Jacks!
    I think it is one that I could probably finish in time for Halloween.

  3. Thanks for reminding us about your tutorials. I had forgotten about them, now I have several projects to work on. Nice job on decorating so far.

  4. Kim - Thanks for haring your tutorials on the side. I wanted to share with you that I finished my own Happy Jacks Wallhanging today.


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