Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Re-establishing Mother/Daughter Bonds

The Wild Child came home from her Hawaiian vacation today and is settling back into living at home again. In fact, we had a bit of a mother/daughter bonding experience this evening. She brought me souvenirs from Hawaii . . .

And I took her to the grocery store to buy non-diet foods (something we don't have much of in this house!). Of course, I told her to make sure she keeps her snacks away from her dad, because he'll cheat every chance he gets! I think she's hidden cookies, crackers, and granola in her room. The other benefit? Maybe that darn mouse will be lured out of hiding and she can catch it!

(By the way, Sunday morning I stopped in the kitchen when I heard a rustling behind the china hutch and Hubby joined me but neither of us could see that mouse--still, at least now we know he's around! We hadn't heard or seen any sign of him for about a week.)


  1. Oooh, Hawaiian fabrics! What are you going to make with them? I'm reading "The Aloha Quilt" right now...makes me want to make a Hawaiian-style quilt!

  2. you know that your daughter loves you when SHE knows too bring you fat quarters from Hawaii ... SO much better than a grass skirt or a coconut bra!!!

  3. Hey, what are you doing with MY fabrics?!! Those are great. What a good daughter you have!

  4. Oh, there is nothing like a girl (wild child) to be with, near or zipping in and out of your life. Sweet gifts from Hawaii.

  5. I could totally bond with my own wild child if she brought me great fabric! Don't think that is happening any time soon though. However miss V brought me two cute FQ when she was on vacation. I obviously trained her properly!!

  6. You will have fun with those fabrics from Hawaii- your daughter knows you so well.
    I am sure that you will enjoy having her home with you.
    Hope the reno is all finished -
    Isn''t amazing how much a nuisance a little furry mouse can be? Maybe that mouse decided that diet food wasn't for him... LOL
    Enjoy the week.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!