Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Our friend Eileen isn't on her quilting porch today--she went into the hospital this morning for back surgery. I'm not completely certain what procedure was done, but the doctors thought they'd send her home in a day or two, which makes me think it's not too invasive. I've heard there's a post on her Facebook wall saying she was out of surgery and doing well, so that's good news! She's no spring chicken but she's pretty strong willed, so I'm confident she'll make a good recovery. If you visit her blog on occasion, you might want to go by and leave her a comment wishing her a speedy recovery.

And have you noticed Gran and I haven't had any adventures lately? I sure have! In late July, she had family visiting. Then I went back to work in August and was busy with bathroom remodeling and the Wild Child's move; and August was a busy month for Gran too. Now she's heading off soon on a little retreat, so I'm not sure September's looking much more promising, adventure-wise. We've agreed, though, that we need a little Thelma and Louise time, so we're going to sneak in a little lunch tomorrow. I think I'm going to bring my Wool Crazy "block in progress" so she can take it by the quilt shop for hanging--it's time to get a class sample up even if it's not done yet since the first class is just a couple weeks away.

And speaking of the wool crazy block, I really liked the idea of mittens as dog ears that Suzanne suggested, so I've added those, and I also added three wool hearts that I've embellished with a bit of embroidery. Want to see?

I'd like to add some embroidery in the background of the heart section--maybe words of some sort--but it's time to put it aside for now. I have several other wool projects that I still haven't gotten to, despite the fact that August was "wool month." Of course, once Gran and I teach the first Wool Crazy session, I can bring my block home again and work on more of the applique.

Next up on my agenda, though, is a small charm pack quilt--or maybe quilting my larger version of the same quilt. I guess I'll figure out which it will be tomorrow night when I get back into the Sweat Shop. Now, though, it's bedtime. I'm glad you could stop by to visit.


  1. Do I need to alert the cops about your "lunch" date? it's not by a bank is it? there won't be any stocking mask involved, right????

  2. by the way my strange work to post my first comment was ForNater....sorry...hand to share it was too funny a word not to...

  3. Love the mittens - he looks like a dog now! Great idea Suzanne!
    I will send you a photo of my charm quilt that I made - it would be fun to see how you would "kim" it!!!

  4. The mittens do the trick! Great job. You might put just one short work on each the candy conversation hearts.

  5. There is a lot of things that get in the way of play time! Summer/work/family etc... you two will be back to your adventures again soon. (my word verification is satin/sinta jummbled hehe)


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!