Monday, August 16, 2010

"Does Your Face Hurt?

Well it's killing ME!" Remember that old joke? I don't know why, but it runs through my mind every time my face hurts--like it does now. You know that horrible sinus pain and pressure you get from allergies or head colds? I've had it, off and on, for the last few days, and today it's really been a monster. I'm pretty sure it's allergies, but I've felt so bad that it seems more like a head cold, and I haven't felt like doing anything--including blog. So I'm taking my bath and heading to bed. Or maybe I should say "back to bed," because it seems like I've been there on and off all day. See you tomorrow--when, hopefully, I'll feel much better.


  1. Oooooh, hope you're better soon!

  2. I hope you kick whatever you have soon. Headaches are no fun.

  3. I spent a few hours yesterday at Urgent Care getting antiobiotics. My face hurt. I hear you...loud and clear way over here in NC.

  4. I'm sorry to hear you are in pain. There is nothing worse than sinus pain and headaches. Have you tried the "Neti Pot"? My husband went to an ear, throat and nose DR. He told him to use the rinse every night before bed. My Hubby asked about me, who regularly suffers from sinus pain. The Dr said I should be doing the same thing. It has taking me 2 years to bring that pot of water to my nose. But after I do it, once about every 3 months, I really do feel the difference and I know I should do it more often. So if you can bring yourself to purposely drown yourself, I reccomend it.

  5. I am so sorry you are hurting, I use a "rice sock" that you heat up in the microwave across my sinuses when they hurt like that. I will be thinking of you.

  6. So sorry to hear that you face hurts! I have an extra nose thingy Brandie (is she the one we were going to get wild turkey recipes from....?) was talking about.
    I sure hope you are up to Knot-y Embroidery Ladies this evening!

  7. My father-in-law says that all the time!

    Hope you're feeling better soon.


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