Saturday, August 7, 2010


After I wrote a particularly meandering and pointless blog post last night (most of which I deleted before publishing), I realized it's going to take me awhile to adjust to going back to work AND having a life at the same time. How did I ever do it before? I'm as puzzled now as some of my readers have been in the past when they asked whether I ever got any sleep and how in the world did I ever get so much accomplished?

Going back to work this week has really been tough, mentally and physically. You know about much of the mental stuff--the computer problems, the rush jobs, etc. Then, last night, I woke up several times with pain and cramping in my "bad" hand, and I haven't decided yet whether it's a real problem or whether it's just part of the healing process; I thought I'd rest up this weekend and see what happens at the beginning of the next work week. Then there's just the stuff like neck and back aches--it's funny what sitting all day will do to a body when it's not used to it.

Hubby's been good about taking over the dinner preparation again, but I've been coming home and helping out a little too, because eating healthier seems to require a lot more chopping and general food prep. Then, after dinner, I only have a limited amount of "play time" until it's time to get ready for bed. And you know what? I realized, while I was off work, that I really DO feel and perform better when I get a little more sleep, so I'm trying to get to bed a little earlier, but I'm still not managing more than about six hours of sleep a night.

And when I think about the adjustments I need to make to reincorporate a full-time job into my routine, and add to that the upcoming bathroom remodel and the adult-child-moving-back-home (with LARGE Drooling Dog) drama, well, I could just sit down and cry. Or pack my most precious belongings into a large bandana and hang it from a stick carried over my shoulder and run away from home.

So, I don't know what the solution is, but for the time being, I'm not going to beat myself up if I don't feel every night that there's a blog post inside my head waiting to get out. Oftentimes, writing a post can take up to an hour, and that's an hour I kind of feel I don't have these days--until I can slide back into a routine and take control over my life again. I guess what I'm saying is that if I have something to say, I'll post; but if it's a struggle or if it's not a high priority in that day's events, you might not hear from me--just don't worry that something's wrong. It's just me trying to cope with adjustments. Either that, or my head exploded. And if it's the head thing? I suspect one of my local blog friends will let everyone know.


  1. Oh Kim, I'm sorry you are having a difficult time. Wish there was something I could do to help. Your blog is such a pleasure to read, but certainly you shouldn't feel like you have to do it, except when you can and you want to. Everyone understands. Bless your heart. Hope things are better soon!

  2. I know how you feel sista...I have some health issues going on and for the life of me don't feel like sitting at the computer to type out a post after dealing with customers all day...

  3. You can't run away... how would you fit your sewing machine into a bandana?

  4. Wow Kim. If I could I would give you a great big hug and tell you everything is going to be all right. It really will settle down and the important thing is to let your body continue healing so you just look after yourself! Blogging is not an obligation - it's meant to be joyful and fun. If it's not - don't do it! It does take a lot of time - time that might be better spent. (I tell myself that all the time when I'm on. I really should be sewing instead!)

    So remember that we are all thinking of you and hoping for the best and we'll hear from you from time to time as you can... no worries!

    Hugs - Shari

  5. Returning to work after a long time away is a huge adjustment, especially when it's been a long absence. Your whole routine changes from being centered on your interests to the demands of the job. Take your time with it and don't feel pressured by the blog post. We'll be here to read whenever you're ready, and in the meantime we're wishing you well. Take care!

  6. I think it is all a matter of easing yourself back into "your groove" that you had going and if it means slowing down and bit and blogging less I'm sure we all understand! You have always provided wonderful reading material for me first thing in the am with my coffee....even though I don't always comment I'm here. I'm sure we completely understand this rough patch.

  7. Hey Kim,
    My heart goes out to you. Hang in there. I know the grown-child-moving-back-home deal (mine came with two cats) and offer my sympathy. I did find that even 15 minutes of me time in the sewing room helped with my mental health. Hope the hand improves daily and that you get to do some fun things as well.

  8. I certainly feel your woes. Been there and done that. I work full time too and wish I could only do it part time but being the sole bread winner in my house prevents that from ever happening. I had my daughter move back in with me for about 10 weeks a few months ago with her drooling dog. Actually went better that I thought as we love each other like crazy but don't get along very well when put together for long periods of time. DH hates the dog too which caused undue stress. However, she moved out as planned and now I am in the process of putting a long arm in her old bedroom. He He! Hang in will get your groove back. By the way, I am a work comp nurse and the symptoms you are having in your hand is normal. Just takes awhile.

  9. Sorry to hear things aren't going as they did before. I know that every year when school starts I am exhausted for about the first month, just getting used to the routine again. It's all I can do to go to work, come home, do my paperwork and go to bed! I also know that as I get older :( I just don't get as much done as I used to! We've also had the whole older child moving home thing, but ours was for health reasons (brain tumor), still none of us truly enjoyed it for long.:) As far as blogging--you should only do it when you feel like it for sure!!

  10. Kim, I have enjoyed your writings for a long time. I understand where you are coming from. I got rid of my blog because it took too much time to write. I notice some others have quit because of this reason. I miss you when you don't write, but you come first. I have always worried about your sleep habits.Take care of yourself!

  11. It's understandable about what you're going through right now. Not only are you changing your routine again, but they changed things at work. It's only been a few days, give yourself a break to get readjusted. I'm glad that the one commenter mentioned that what you are experiencing with your hand is normal. Your followers will be here, take some time to adjust.

  12. Sandy from ThimbleberriesAugust 7, 2010 at 8:26 AM

    Take your time and relax. You don't have to blog every night. It is hard to go back to work after being off a long time. Especially, when you had surgery. Blogging should be fun and not an obligation. We all understand. The most important thing is for you to build up your strength and not to over burden yourself.

  13. It would have been hard enough to deal with ONE of those events in a month--let alone all of them at once! No wonder you are stressed out and feel like running away. Our son is about to move back in with us--sans any pets, thank god--but just dealing with having to rearrange the whole house to make room for him again is stressful! I was awakened at 6 AM this morning thinking about it and spent the first half hour after breakfast measuring and figuring. Don't feel you have to entertain us on a daily basis. I blog every two or three days and so far that has been fine for me. Having two jobs and a life, every day blogging is too much pressure on me, LOL!

  14. I have a guest room and four sewing machines. You are welcome to scape here anytime!

    There should be a "safe house" for overworked women to run away to don't you think?

  15. Oh Kim, honey, it sounds like it's been one helluva "first week" back at work!!! Here's hoping you can rejuvinate this w/e so you'll be ready to try again on Monday. I've been home for 2-1/2 weeks recovering from surgery and I could very easily spend the rest of my life "here!!!" I think the older we get, the harder these transitions are; but hey, we're still young, so this should be easy, right!!! (LOL) You take care my dear and know I'm thinking about ya :)

  16. "Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag and smile, smile, smile! Remember that song. It used to make me angry but I discovered that if I mentally do that it helps can always come visit me at my house. Hang in there.

  17. Kim, I feel your pain! Adjustments are hard sometimes and there's not enough hours in the day (particularly when we have those pesky fulltime jobs, even if we like them). I'm sure everything will get sorted - hang in there! And, only do what you can do - and may it be mostly what you like to do o:)


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