Thursday, July 8, 2010

Hey Everybody! Look at Me!

I'm such a show off, aren't I? I DO hope you can forgive me! Seriously, though, I know that one of the things we quilters like to see is the work of other quilters--I certainly get motivated by seeing what everyone else is doing, anyway. So yesterday I mentioned I'd get photos of the projects I've been working on, and I did.

First, Joy Luck. This is the newest addition to the Schnibbles family and is the pattern selected for the July Year of Schnibbles quilt. This is also the first project I cut post-splint. Woo-hoo! Now I need to get busy and get it quilted.

Next? Another post-surgery first. Here's a rather embroidery-intensive project I'm working on. For some reason, this doesn't seem to photograph very well, but the lighter, brighter red in the upper right hand section is the part I've completed--the rest remains to be done. (And I'm not sure what it will be when it's done. A pillow, maybe? A wallhanging? It's anybody's guess at this stage!)

I had gone to tea and stitching with Gran at the quilt shop the Friday after surgery and I wanted to do SOMETHING, so I purchased the pre-printed panel and a couple skeins of embroidery floss. I didn't do much that first day, but I've been working on it more the past few days, and it's coming along--slowly.

And last--the latest Jelly Roll Sampler Quilt Along block--block ten, I think. In keeping with my Halloween theme, I decided to leave the corners off the bottom leg so it would look a little more like a gravestone cross, and I figured it was the perfect headstone for Vlad the Impaler (the "real" Dracula, of course).

What next? Well, I have a little project up my sleeve, and I spent some time today gathering supplies. So besides quilting the Schnibbles, I hope I'll have something else kind of interesting to share before too long--if it works out, anyway! And if it doesn't? Well, I'll probably show you anyway.


  1. I love your redwork project. What stitch are you using? It looks so precise. The new Schnibbles is gorgeous and I love your "Vlad" block...that surgery hasn't slowed you down!

  2. Love the Schnibbles quilt...those colors really grabbed me...hehehehe.

  3. Ok first I won't receive my pattern for at least a week, most likely two, secondly I LOVE what you did the the Sampler Block, that is very cute, and smart.
    And I adore red work so I love it of course!
    I feel very unproductive next to you lol

  4. Love the redwork, and the Schnibbles turned out great! Very soothing colors. And what an interesting border :-)

  5. did you get Joy Luck Pattern so fast? I'm still waiting for it and am thinking I should have ordered elsewhere. Sounds like your are doing very well and getting some things done too. I visit often but don't always take the time to comment. wink

  6. Apparently you don't know the meaning of "recovery" :) Sheesh, you're a whirling dervish of projects, just like always! Looking very good, though, absolutely.

    Hey, what happened with your hair after all?

  7. Don't over do it with the quilting! Your redwork is going to be a family heirloom when finished. Thanks for the pics.

  8. I can just picture you doing all your cutting and sewing with your splint on and a diaper fashioned sling holding your arm up. I think there is a term for that... You little show-off!;)

  9. Everything looks so nice. You are a busy, worker bee and you deserve a great big WELL DONE! Your stitchery is truly going to be a family heirloom, and one that will bring your family good tidings from you for many, many years.

  10. Dear Kim,
    Where were you able to find the new Schnibbles pattern? I need to purchase one asap! Thanks..Trish

  11. Like the colour in the Schnibbles- an awful lot of corners to mess up thou (for me!). The red-work is very pretty- the minute I saw it I wondered if Gran had anything to do with it! Its probablt good for you to have something you have to do sitting quitely!!

  12. I'm looking, and I love your schnibbles. It's even prettier in pink.


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