Monday, July 19, 2010

Got Corn?

Here in Northern California, this year's corn crop is at its peek--sweet, lovely, abundant ears at a price that makes me want to fill my grocery cart FULL of the stuff! And while corn on the cobb with a little butter and salt and pepper is a thing of beauty all on its own, I've found several other ways to serve it, and I thought I'd share them with you.

The other day, Paula the Quilter mentioned the Eating Well website. Since the recipe she mentioned in that particular blog post sounded pretty good and since I'm trying to introduce healthier food choices into our diet, I checked it out--YUM! And while I could certainly rave about the recipes we've tried over the course of the weekend (finding only one recipe we didn't care for), I won't bore you--you can go over there and look for yourself if you're interested. But really, who doesn't like corn? So I WILL show you two of the corn dishes we had this weekend--I hope you won't be bored!

Lemon-Garlic Glazed Corn. Simple to make; yummy to eat. It cooks in a covered skillet. We had it with chicken breasts and broccoli.

Corn and Basil Cakes. I diced up about half an avocado and a tomato, added some chopped garlic, and squeezed in a little fresh lemon juice; a couple tablespoons of "salsa" on top of the cakes made them especially tasty. I served them with tempura-style prawns. To. Die. For.

Can you stand one more? I haven't made this one yet, but I have a little leftover basil I need to use, and the rest of the ingredients are on hand as well.

This one's Roasted Corn with Basil-Shallot Vinaigrette. I actually planned out the week's menus a few days ago, and this recipe isn't on the chart, but I'm sure I can fit it in somewhere--it seems to me it would make a great lunch. One nice thing about the Eating Well site is that you can click on comments by people who have tried the recipes, posted tips, and rated them.

Sadly, the weekend's over and it's time for bed. Glad you could stop by!

(Kind of creepy, huh?!)


  1. They all look yummy. For the first time EVER raccoons have gotten into our corn. They push it over, pull back the leaves and eat the corn!! We figured out it is probably because we no longer have a dog since our Buddy passed away a few weeks ago.

  2. Thanks for the tip on the website--I'll be checking it out. I agree, there's nothing better than sweet corn. Here in Iowa we think our corn is the best!!

  3. we had plain ol corn on the cob last was great..tasted better cause it was from farmers market...

    My favorite corn recipe is NOT low fat... corn, bacon, onion and bacon grease...YIKES! but we only have it for special occasions...

  4. Eating Well is my favorite food magazine -- always has good stuff! But -- their website makes me crazy. I think it's too busy, hard to find things, and for some reason the page keeps shifting around...

    Those corn cakes look fab, though! Must find recipe!

  5. Thanks for the great recipe - I will have to try it - We love corn and it is not corn season here yet.
    I will have check out the Eating well site.

  6. Has anyone ever teased you about being "corny", eh?
    Loved your post and I have to try out the web site you talked about. With family flying in starting today, I think a big batch of corn is a must have here. Thank for the great ideas! Did you make it to Sloughouse?


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!