Sunday, June 13, 2010

Same Old Stuff

My hands have been bothering me the last couple of days, and I'm not sure why. It really doesn't seem like I've been doing much with them, and I haven't even been doing any housecleaning for several days--not since Gran abducted me and forced me to eat raw vegan food. (Do you think THAT might be the reason?!)

I've been trying to get ready for the surgery, which is a little over a week away, by doing some shopping for slip-on shoes and loose clothing that can be pulled on or pulled over with one hand. On Friday, I took Hubby to his doctor appointment for his broken leg. Since that's just about all I've been doing, I have to wonder if the hands are acting up because of (1) carrying clothing hangers and my purse around while shopping or (2) pushing Hubby's wheelchair and getting it in and out of the car. I suppose it might be due to both but some things are simply unavoidable.

On Friday night, I was trying to cook tacos with numb hands and I accidentally lit a stack of paper towels on fire! Yikes! (Maybe I'm just not meant to clean or cook because I'm obviously a menace to my family when I do either! I really should have been born into a wealthy family with staff to do these kinds of things.) Putting the fire out was fairly easy since I was paying attention, but it sure made me think!

Anyway, part of what I wanted to say is that I might not be blogging much between now and surgery--not as long as my hands are bothering me and/or I'm busy getting ready and doing a lot of really boring things. And, of course, once I have surgery, I won't be able to type at all for some time, but I think you'll be able to click over to Gran's blog if you're wondering how I'm doing--she'll be keeping an eye on me. (Just as long as she's NOT feeding me "healthy" foods!) Or I may possibly have someone like Hubby post for me--but again, I'm not sure how much I'll have to say, so we'll have to play it by ear.

So for now, I'll post when I can if I have something to say, but don't worry if a day or two goes by without a new post. Thanks for stopping by to visit.


  1. Have a great operation!!! Okay, that just sounds weird! I'll be popping in to Gran's to check up on you.

  2. I hope all goes well with your operation and you will be back to blogging once again. It would be a shame to miss out what is going on in your end of the world. Can you post Gran's link?

  3. We'll all be missing you while you're away. Praying that your operation is a wonderful success, and that you'll soon be back to typing, cooking, and cleaning! Well, maybe not so much the cleaning. Good Luck

  4. Kim, just take care of yourself. I'll say a prayer for a successful surgery and quick recovery. Winona

  5. Take it easy and I hope your hands feel better! Is it possible that you've been eating more salty food and drinking less water? That always causes my hands to flare up...just a thought.

    Good luck and we'll be thinking of you!

  6. good luck on the operation...maybe hubby can peel your grapes and feed them to wouldn't that be a fun story to tell....

  7. Good luck with the surgery! Hopefully you get full relief quickly.

  8. I will watch Gran's blog for updates...

    Good luck and I'll keep my fingers crossed that you get a good looking male

  9. Hi Kim!
    Just thought you'd like to know that my husband had the same surgery on his right hand/wrist and it completely took away the numbness and pain. He has worked/played on computers since their invention (doesn't that make him sound OLD...!)spending too much time typing! Anyways he is a REAL baby when it comes to things like this and he was fine.. and recovery went well. He had a split on it with a bandage for a week or two and then he was fine. He could type and use the remote (ha ha) just like the master! He was back in the saddle! So don't worry about the surgery (the Doctors do this type of surgery a lot-just mark your hand with a felt so that they will do the correct hand ;o)...AND just think about how nice it will be to be rid of the numbness and pain and to be able to do all the things you enjoy!
    We will be here...waiting when you get back...for the new and improved KIM! YIKES can we stand it!! ha ha Take care!

  10. hope the op goes well and you are soon back better than ever.....will be checking in with Gran...mostly to see that she doesn't try and "poison" you with that healthy stuff!...take care...will be here when you get back!

  11. Take care of yourself and Good Luck with the surgery!

  12. Don't push yourself. You body may be trying to tell you something. Sit back and relax and we'll be here when your ready. Take care

  13. I have had three different surgeries on my hands and wrists. Whether they are the same as what you are having, I don't know. I do know, that I tork my hands at night and wake up with numbness and tingling in them. Wearing braces at night has solved that problem. Wonder why I sleep so funny?

  14. Anyone who VOLUNTARILY eats Vegan food deserves all they get! We went through a phase of things lighting up in the kitchen- seems to have stopped now, but we do have a fire extinguisher and blanket on hand all the is scary though.
    I hope the surgery goes well and you recover without too much discomfort.

  15. Good luck with the surgery. Hope ot really healps, there is nothing worse than painful hands.

    Have plenty of McDonald's - they will really help!!!!!

  16. Rest when you can and take it slow - all the best and look forward to hearing from you now and then. Will also check Gran's blog to see how you are. Positive thoughts coming your way.......piece.

  17. Hope the surgery fixes all the problems. Take it easy, relax, catch up on your reading. We will all be waiting on your return.

  18. Wishing you the best of luck with your surgery and all the days from now til then... maybe less cooking, more McD's? ;-)

  19. Best of luck on your upcoming surgery. Take it easy and relax since you won't be able to do much else. Make sure you have a good supply of books to read and order your food to be delivered. Hopefully you will be back to normal in no time and blogging again.

  20. Kim, what's going on with the fires?? LOL You're right, just stop the cooking and cleaning! You'll be safer that way!!

    I'm sure all will go well with the surgery. Thinking of you, rest those hands, we'll be here whenever you feel up to posting.

  21. Prayers that the surgery goes well Kim and that the recovery is both speedy and uneventful!

  22. good luck sweet cheeks and we all know you will figure out a way to communicate! I have utter faith in your ability to type with your toes, and as for not having anything to write about.......... HELLO??? this is YOU! gosh you will probably meet the most bizarre people and medical staff imaginable during your stay, probably enough of them to write a book........ with your toes!

  23. Your surgery will be coming up soon and I just wanted to wish you all the best. You have a challenge before you with your husband's concurrent injury. Let's hope this wrist thing is like a bad toothache, GONE FAST after treatment. Good luck Kim. Will be waiting for your comeback.


  24. PS: I take back what I said about Vegan food- I've visited Gran's and seen your meal and it sure looks scrummy!
    So please ignore above remark!!!!

  25. You will be amazed at how quickly your hands return to normal. I'm very grateful that I had the surgeries. Enjoy and have everyone wait one you. It's your turn to take it easy.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!