Saturday, May 15, 2010

Workin' in the Sweat Shop

Sometime this week I was doing some running around town and I stopped at the Goodwill store near my home. I don't remember wanting to find anything in particular; I think it was just a case of having a little time to stop and browse. I found several Spring colored dishes that reminded me of Fiestaware and I had about five of them in my cart with the thought that they'd look quite cheerful in my kitchen hutch, but gosh darn it! As I was pushing the cart around, I kept hearing Hubby's voice in my head, asking me WHY I'D BOUGHT MORE DISHES! I swear sometimes it's like shopping with Jiminy Cricket! So I put most of them back. I did find this, though:

And when I got it home, sure nuf Jiminy Hubby asked me WHY I'D BOUGHT ANOTHER BREAD BOX because we already HAD a bread box. Ha! I fooled him, though! When is a bread box NOT a bread box? When it's a Moda Bake Shop Box!

Now perhaps I should mention that since I'm teaching a Schnibbles class tomorrow, I think it's my DUTY to buy just about all the charm packs I can find. At least that's my story, and I'm sticking to it. So I wanted something to keep my charm packs in. And I also sometimes buy extra fabric from a particular line and keep it with the charm packs in that line, so the bundle of charm packs and fabrics takes up a little more room than just charm packs alone. Turns out the bundles fit just fine inside the bread box and the lonely little charm packs that don't fit inside, sit nicely on top. Genius, eh?!

Tonight I spent a fair amount of time cleaning up and organizing things in the Sweat Shop. I had just about everything ready for tomorrow's class and it seemed like a good "stopping point" in my quilting life to get things in order before starting the next project. While I was working, Stitch threw himself down in the middle of the room and amused himself by grabbing my leg every time I tried to step around or over him. I thought some of you might be amused too.

Look what came in the mail today!

Hip Holidays by Quilt Soup. This, despite its flat appearance, is a fat quarter bundle. I soon had it properly folded though and stacked along with the 12 Days of Christmas bundle--it's a veritable Christmas fabric TOWER! But did you notice it's not quite full?! Like Jello, there's always room for fabric!

Thanks for stopping by to see what I'm up to. The weekend is here--I hope you have a wonderful one planned!


  1. GENIUS, absolutely! Wow, the bread box is perfect for the charm packs and fabrics. It really looks great. LOVE it! Oh and that FQ bundle is yummy too! Can't wait to see what you make with it!

    Have a great class today!

  2. I really like your Bread Box. Great idea to store the charms.

  3. Cute Bread box, What and idea!
    But do you really think you have enough Christmas fabric????

  4. i think you need MORE christmas fabric - there must be two or three inches left for stuffing and that's gotta be at least another bundle

    you're gonna start a new trend with breadboxes - where ELSE should bakeshop treats go? sweet.

  5. The best kind of bread box-a no carb one...

    Charm packs are so affordable it's easy to have a lot of them...

  6. I can hardly wait to see what is on your Christmas List this year. The bread box/bake shop connection is pretty to look at very creative. See you in class - I have to start my "gathering" of stuff to take (drag) there. Tootles

  7. I LOVE the bread box idea!!
    ANd I want that fabric lol!

  8. I love your bread box idea. You find the best things. I should come down to Sac. and go through your Goodwill. You are probably buying less then I would at our "antique stores".

  9. Lol! I wondered why the heck you had Jimminy Cricket at the top of your post! So you take him op shopping with you, huh? And your hubby is the one who slips him into your bag!

  10. You are a genius! Love the photos of your fabric stashes

  11. That bread box with the charm packs is just charming!

  12. Fabric not bigger than a breadbox - what a fun idea Kim- The charm squares are very cute- I am sure they will make a terrific quilt.
    Hope you had a great class( I am sure you had a wonderful class and that your students were thrilled with the results)
    It was a family day today- brunch with two sister in laws and an evening spent listening to a local choral society sing( our nephew was the conductor - one of my sister in laws sang in it) It was a gorgeous day here - sunny and warm-
    Perhaps tomorrow some quilt time..

  13. What a find! I love it. You are very clever. And I love the tower of Christmas fabrics.

  14. ok, I am jealous! Love your purchase... I need some of that! I love your bread box too... White! Love it with all the charm square goodness inside!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!