Thursday, May 27, 2010

Out of Sorts

I'm incredibly grumpy and out of sorts today. Why? There are a couple of reasons. (If you don't want to "listen" to me whine, skip down to the last couple of paragraphs.) For one thing, last night, Hubby went out to dump a bag of garbage, turned his foot on a paving stone, and lost his balance. When he fell, he severely injured his "good" knee. Why does that make me grumpy when HE'S the one in pain?

Well, I'm sure it's terribly self-centered of me and seemingly unsympathetic, but gosh darn it, it always seems like Hubby gets injured doing things he shouldn't be doing in the first place--he knows better! He has muscular dystrophy and is usually in a wheelchair outside because he's not stable enough to walk on uneven ground. So why was he outside in the dark, walking in an area that's not smooth and even? Seriously, the garbage could have waited until this morning.

All night he was in pain, and I don't think either one of us got very much sleep. This morning he called his doctor and had a telephone appointment, but his doctor couldn't see him until tomorrow. So why didn't he push it or have me take him to urgent care? I don't know. And I seriously doubt Hubby explained to his doctor just how limited his mobility is right now with that injured knee--he's pretty much confined to his recliner or his wheelchair, but his wheelchair doesn't fit through the doors of either of our bathrooms, so that presents problems, as you may imagine.

Another thing that's making me grumpy? Hubby and Soccer Son had been planning to replace the toilet in our master bathroom and today was the day. The whole process caused one problem after another. First there were the blue drips going from the bathroom at the back of the house, down the hallway, and out to the garage that were caused by the blue water leaking out of the tank as Soccer Son hauled it out.

Then there was the fact that the water supply hose was too short and despite going to TWO hardware stores, we weren't able to get the right part (customer service sure isn't what it used to be before the economy tanked!); Soccer Son had to come back to our house later in the evening with the right hose to finish the installation.

Then there's the fact that the tank seems to be leaking. When I discovered the leak, Soccer Son was no longer here, Hubby's stuck in the recliner in the living room, and I have no idea how to fix it, so I'm just going to have to get some towels to soak up the water until Soccer Son comes back tomorrow.

And my hands are bothering me. After trying to be fairly careful with the scrubbing and even taking a day off of cleaning yesterday, last night my hands started to get numb and achy.

All this makes me think better of days on which the worst that happens is that I suck up a Roo in the vacuum and cause a lamp to go up in flames. Comparatively speaking, THAT's a good day. And really, I DO know that things could be much worse--to such an extent that today would seem preferable. So I'll quit whining and I'll try to stop feeling annoyed and grumpy. Instead, I'll announce the winners of the Schnibbles patterns, okay?

"No reply" Anita is the winner of Hot Cross--Anita said, "Still a schnibble virgin. The hot cross buns looks like a winner to me!" And "no reply" Marge is the winner of Nice Day--Marge said, "Thank you Kim for giving me another chance at a Schnibbles pattern. I really like 'Nice Day.' I also have had carpal tunnel surgery, good luck and a speedy recovery." Both ladies were the 11th person to comment on each of the two patterns. Anita and Marge, please email me your mailing addresses and I'll get these patterns in the mail to you.

Also for other recent winners on my blog, I'll be getting your winnings in the mail before the end of this week--I haven't gotten to the post office yet, so if you were wondering what's happened to your package, that's the hold up.

Thanks for stopping by and listening to me complain! Hopefully I'll snap out of it and have better things to talk about here before long!


  1. oh Kim I am sending get well wishes to you and your hubby and congrats to your winners
    hugs Beth

  2. You poor thing, whine away to us all you like if it makes you feel better, I don't mind, and if anyone else does well raspberries to them LOL!

  3. You know, Kim, just because things COULD be worse, that doesn't de-legitimize that things are bad. You had a day that sucked that that's all there is to it. Living with someone you love who has a chronic illness is stress in and of itself, and adding your own physical problems on top makes for a not-pleasant combination. So complain on, my friend -- you're entitled to do it and it's not like you make a steady diet of it!

    Wordy: abidene, a town in Texas that gets a lot of wrong mail and wishes someone would write a song about it

  4. Hang in there! If there is anything I can do, that is lawful, let me know!!



  5. Aw Kim ((HUGS))
    Sometime things stink.

  6. Somedays it seems that everything goes wrong. So go ahead a grump; you deserve a good whine.

  7. I agree 100% with what Nancy said above. I hope today is a lot better for you, darlin'. Hang in there.

  8. Congrats to the winners and hugs to you. I hope today is a better day.

  9. Ill say a little prayer that things go better today

  10. So much drama at poor thing!

  11. Oh my, life sure can be trying, that's for sure; and we've all got to whine about it sometimes, so I'm glad you did exactly that! I hope it helped a bit :) I'm so sorry about your Hubby's current situation ... I had no idea he had MD. I know what it's like loving someone w/a chronic illness ... life as we've always known it changes forever and I'm so sorry for everything that you all are having to deal w/now. Thank God for "quilting" tho and I'll be wishing you some good quality time in the Sweat Shop today :) Prayers for your Hubby too!

  12. Aww Kim, I'm sorry - big hugs to you! I understand about being grumpy - we just had a similar situation in our family - and I, while sympathetic, was also grumpy! I'm sending good wishes to your hubby and to you!

  13. Dang girl...sounds like you got a bunch of stuff in the toilet...get it...toilet humor....hopefully bad hubby will get into the doctor, SS will fix the leak and your hands will get some needed rest...and while you're waiting for all of this to happen, grab some wine & cheese and chill....

  14. Ahh thats me and I had absolutely no idea I was a no reply! I need to figure out how to change that quickly! My email address is

    So sorry that you are grumpy, I've been a bit of a grump myself - winning your give away has brightened my less than bright morning. thank you! and hope that your mood improves.

  15. Goodness Kim! Some days are just like that. One way to laugh your way out of it is to go to youTube, type in laughing babies and I swear, you will feel lighter in minutes.
    But believe me, whining is permitted when there's plumbing involved on top of everything else.

  16. Everyone needs a good grump once in a while! :O)...yes things could be worse but that doesn't make your worries invalid girly...Hope things get better! :O)

  17. You are kind and constantly giving person, and every now and then there are days that are overloaded. Well, you have had overloaded days for a while now. The blue dots through the house would make me a little crazy....


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