Monday, May 10, 2010

A Mixed Bag

You may remember Hubby and Soccer Son were going out of town for the weekend and I was kinda excited about having the house to myself, right? Oh, yes, it was pretty nice! There WERE a couple drawbacks--I kinda missed Hubby. Mostly I missed the way he does the dishes and makes the bed every day, but I also kinda missed his company and a warm body to sleep with--the hairy little bodies of our two cats don't count! Still, there wasn't a whole lot of sleeping anyway--one sort of longish nap late Saturday afternoon and about five hours of sleep Saturday night (because I didn't go to sleep until 4:30 a.m. and those two furry bodies insisted I get up at 9:30!).

Here's what I worked on in the Sweat Shop. First, I finished quilting and binding the Schnibbles X-Rated quilt.

I added a few rows of "X"s as well as pieced basket corners, a large border, and appliqued flowers to the original Schnibbles pattern. Of course, all this was done awhile back; I just kept forgetting to quilt it. Until now. Here's a close up of one of the corners--

Then I also worked a little bit on the Schnibbles Four Corners pattern I'm making using Momo's Freebird charm packs--you'll notice I still have a couple blank spots on the design wall, which means I have a few more blocks to piece.

I'm going to add a sashing to this pattern. I found a great red and white American Jane print; once I get the blocks made, I'll cut a couple strips and see how it looks.

Next up? Oh, probably about a million things! I'm teaching a Schnibbles class on Saturday and that's one of the reasons I've been in Schnibbles overdrive lately. This week, I'll need to get a few things ready for class. Then there's Thimbleberries Club on Wednesday, and I have a few BOM blocks to piece before the meeting. And I think the next block of the Jelly Roll Sampler Quilt Along is due out NOW.

Also over the weekend, I did some reading. I read Grave Goods, which is book three in the Mistress of the Art of Death series and I've read about half of The Black Cat, the newest Richard Jury novel by Martha Grimes. Both books are so good, it was hard to put them down to sew!

I also did a little cooking--hence my lament for the lack of Hubby and his dishwashing skills! I made a batch of Mimi's Corn Chowder and then I tried a recipe for noodle pudding. Have you ever eaten and/or baked noodle pudding? Last week I was reading a book that included a recipe, so I was anxious to try it. Seriously, I was not too impressed with this particular recipe, and most of it ended up in the garbage, but I can see it has possibilities. I think the one I tried had too many eggs and that made it kind of dry. If you any experience of the noodle pudding kind, let me know what you think.

Finally, I wanted to mention my "followers." When Blogger developed the whole follower thing, I was a little divided about what I thought of it. On the one hand, it kind of seemed like a popularity contest, but on the other hand, it was a way for people to keep track of blogs they wanted to read. So, after some brief thought, I opted to NOT put the follower widget on my blog. More recently, though, I realized that if someone wants to follow a blog, it's easier to do that if they can just click on the icon on the widget in a blog side bar, so I stuck it on my blog after all. To find it, though, you have to scroll WAAAAAAAAAY down to the bottom of the blog page. So, if you're someone who likes to use the follower option and didn't know where to find it on my blog, now you know!

I hope you enjoyed Mothers' Day and had a lovely weekend! Thanks for stopping by to hear about mine.


  1. Well it seems you had a very 'unquiet' weekend, between sewing and NOT sleeping, and reading scary books!! The quilt at the tom looks just gorgeous, I know I'm a sucker for reds, but the reds against that blue border is yummy!!

  2. I love the x rated quilt. It's beautiful! Can you explain the difference between subscribing and following? I am subscribed to your blog in my Google Reader, but some blogs I "follow" and I can't tell the difference between the two.

  3. More beautiful than the original.. What a standout! great job. That blue fabric is really eye catching. OK-- question... what color thread did you use to quilt with?

  4. I NEED your Schnibble's x-rated quilt. Seriously.

    word verification: unenta -- a type of cooked cereal eaten mostly by pygmies

  5. Your blue "X" quilt is lovely.

  6. Beautiful X-rated quilt....and doesn't the applique just add that little something to jazz it up a notch!

  7. I, too, follow your blog through Google's (Gmail Reader). I'm not sure if you see those people following you or not.


  8. Wow, your X-Rated is awesome - I love the fabrics! Your applique is quite wonderful. X-rated is on my "Schibbles" to-do list. I don't think I can top yours though! Four corners is looking my good too!

  9. Can't wait for Saturday!! Have a great week.



  10. I love the black dots and "x"s. Great quilt!

  11. Great idea for the polka dot background fabric! How did your class go? It's about time you added the follower button... I'm going to go use it now:)

  12. Glad you got a little sewing time,that is a great Mothe's day gift, and your quilt finish turned out just great. I wish dear hubby would learn to do dishes! I must work on that...

  13. 2 beautiul quilts, I can't wait to see 'Freebird' finished

  14. Ahhhhh, just lovely! "Varilie Intralesting" veekend that you had.

  15. Wow.. the applique is a wonderful addition to the X0rated!!
    You are so creative...

    Kim :)

  16. Kim, that is a seriously cute quilt! I've been wanting to try the Snibbles patterns for a while, but just haven't gotten around to it. I'm also impressed how much you gone done in a weekend! Great job!

  17. This is really cute! I love the colors and the extra applique on the border. Really makes the quilt. I just started this quilt for a dear cousin for Christmas.

  18. I wanted to stop back by and tell you my cousin LOVED this quilt I did for her! It was a bit of a challenge for me, but I loved it!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!