Friday, May 21, 2010

A Little Something for You and a Little Help for Me

First, I'll announce the winners of the May Day Giveaway--remember this fabric? I was giving away about a quarter yard of each of these four fabrics.

And yep, I DID say "winners" with an "S," because I decided with so many entries, I'd be a little generous and pick two winners. I would have liked to pick three or four but, rather selfishly, I wanted to keep a little of the fabric for myself.

As usual, I asked Hubby to give me two numbers, and he picked #51, Jenesq (no-reply), and #227, Sandra :). If the two of you could please email me your mailing addresses, I'll get the fabric in the mail to you shortly. (You can click on my profile and then click on the email link in order to email me.)

And now for a change of subject. Remember I mentioned cleaning house the other day? Well, I still haven't exactly done it. Somehow it turned into something like spring cleaning at a snail's pace--I've actually BEEN cleaning, but it's going slowly because I've been cleaning all that stuff we tend to put off in order to do things that are more fun. As a result, stuff has become fossilized on several surfaces. And I thought I'd ask you for help. Can you be here Saturday morning at 9 a.m.? I figure if there are about 500 of us, it shouldn't take too long. Okay?

What? You'd love to be here but you're busy on Saturday morning? Well, can you at least give me a tip or two? Come on! Help me out here! Do you have any cleaning secrets? Any homemade cleaning solutions grandma passed down that work wonderfully for you? Any commercial products that do such a good job, you're just blown away?

Specifically, here are a few cleaning chores I'm looking at that I could use some help with:

Removing hard water stains from a fiberglass bathtub

Trying to get dust off stacks and stacks of fabric

Cleaning windows and mirrors without leaving smears

If you have any tips that will make my house sparkle and shine, particularly tips that will make it sparkle and shine faster and easier, I'd sure love to hear them!


  1. For hard water stains I use Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. My MIL swears by the new Scrubbing Bubbles stuff that you can spray upside down.

    To clean glass you can use a vinegar and water solution (I think 50/50, but it's been awhile since I mixed some up) and use crumbled up newspaper to wipe them with. No streaks and friendly for the environment!

  2. I use "The Works" or that CLR stuff - maybe California has banned it but here in Michigan you can find it. CLR = calcium?, lime, rust. They remove hard water stains instantly. For windows I use ammonia and water with a little vinegar. Ammonia cuts grease and vinegar makes the windows shine...maybe a cup of ammonia (they have lemon scented now) to 1/2 pail of water with a few glugs of vinegar. Mr. Clean's eraser is great for marks on walls. Sorry, I can't be there to help - watching the grass grow here.

  3. The tub...fill with hot water and half gallon of vinegar, let soak for an hour, scrub sides and drain and rinse! We use vinegar in a tea kettle and coffee machines too to remove hard water. For areas around the tub that water can't reach, soak rags in the solution and lay them on those areas and leave also.

  4. What a great start to my day - thank you for picking my name *does a diva-like strut, then trips over the pile of newspapers on the floor* :D I'll send you my address by email, and will be at your house tomorrow morning @ 9:00 to help "dust" your fabric!! ;) The best way to get rid of the dust on fabric is to offer it as a giveaway and then give it away - oh wait - you've already figured that one out! Thanks again, lol.

  5. For anything in a sink or tub I use baking soda...if it's on the sides I just wet them a little before putting on the baking soda, leave for a while....minutes or half an hour...wipe of with a damp cloth/paper towel...and so far everything has come up, even stuff I used to bleach.

  6. I second the magic eraser! Its awesome! works on all sorts of stuff, I also use it to clean the microwave and my stove :)

  7. I asked the man who used to wash my windows what he used and he said, one tablespoon ammonia, one drop of dish soap (dawn) in a gallon of water and the windows sparkle. He said most people use too much cleaner and it makes them streak. I use a product called powerhouse, purchased from the industrial cleaner store for hard water stains and it's great. I even use it on hard water spots on glass. I'd be there Saturday with my cleaning supplies, but I have to work, Darn! We could have fun.

  8. Mr. Clean Magic Eraser for the tub. The other stuff... I don't know but I think I want to try the ammonia, dish soap and water for the windows. Congratulations to the winners!

  9. Have a tip for an area you didn't mention. To clean your oven racks easily, place them in a large BLACK
    plastic trash bag. Add 2 cups amonia and close tightly with twist ties. Lay out on the drive way in full sun. Leave all day. Remove from bag and rinse with water hose. A slight brushing may be needed. The hotter the day the faster is works. Don't place on the lawn in case there is a leak. You want to be sure not to tear the bag when putting in the rack. Works great!

  10. I too vote for Magic Eraser, I try it on everything. For my windows we use a little bit of car wash liquid mixed with water. Rinse well, then I use old towels to dry them, while hubby moves on to the next set of windows. He does the washing and I dry.


  11. Dust on piles of fabric? At your house? You are so prolific I find it hard to believe - but what I would do is: slip my hand in 6 inches from the top of the pile and place my other hand on the top of the pile. Now, flip it! There - a nice fresh piece of fabric on top of the pile that will no doubt distract you to do more fun things than stinkin' housework!

  12. For cleaning glass, I love "Perfect Glass" cleaner in the black bottle. You can find it at Home Depot or Bed Bath & Beyond. Good Housekeeping tested it best and it is fabulous. No streaks!

    I like Baking Soda for hard water stains too, but I find that Borax is even better. The stains come right off. You can find that in the laundry aisle, and just sprinkle it on. Very minimal scrubbing! Plus a natural product! Magic Erasers work but they can get expensive. The Target brand is awful.

  13. I am with Cara, I use Baking soda on our fiberglass tub, and we have hard water also here in Galt. It works like a charm!! See ya soon, hugs!


  14. Well...I've sat here reading all the comments previous to mine for hints on cleaning. I see I will be needing a magic eraser. Hee!!

  15. I can't be there, but I will be using some of these tips to clean my own home here in Ohio. I do love the Magic Eraser for removing marks on walls.

  16. I have a good tip for cleaning silver,(if you have some)it's cheap and so easy! So easy you have to try it to believe it! Ready...
    A container of warm salted water and some tin foil just screw the tinfoil lightly into a ball. Then add your silver ware leave to soak for an hour or so then wipe clean, Amazing!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!