Saturday, April 3, 2010

Virtual Student Contest

Saturday, April 3rd, Baa Baa Black Sheep . . . Have You Any Wool? Yep, that's the class I'm teaching at Bearpaws & Hollyhocks from 12:30 to 4 p.m. It's also the class I was supposed to teach in February, but then I woke up the weekend before with numb hands, and the rest is history--the class had to be postponed two months. Back then, I figured I'd be back at work and fully healed by now, but things haven't quite worked out that way. Still, with two months to prepare instead of one week, and with the help of family and friends, I'm ready to teach and raring to go!

I've designed these three little wool projects for the class. My students will get the pattern for all three but will only get the kit for one--whichever one they pick. They'll also get a couple little goodies, and I'm going to feed them salads--a pasta salad and a green salad. You see, I like to bribe them with treats, keep their hands occupied, and make sure they're full and content so they won't mind so much when I drone on and on for several hours about the wonders of wool.

Want to attend?

Okay, here's the deal. Leave a comment telling me you'd love to win some wool class stuff, and I'll draw a random winner on Sunday night--the winner will be announced on my Monday blog post. What will you win? The pattern, one of the leftover kits (I'll pick), a class handout about wool, and a treat bag. What won't you get that the other "kids" will get? Salads and the opportunity to listen to me talk for several hours. Bummer, huh? Sorry.

So, if you're interested, leave me a comment saying you want in the drawing, okay? Good luck--to both of us! I'll tell you all about the class tomorrow--assuming I survive the experience!



  1. I'd love to win if UK readers are eligible?

    Have a good day with your students.

  2. I have never worked with wool but sure would like to try it. Put me in the drawing. Thanks

  3. Please put me in the drawing. I just recently started doing wool applique and love it. All three of your patterns are great. If I lived anywhere near I would take the class, but alas I'm in South Carolina.

  4. You know I am a sucker for wool! Pick me ....pick me....LOL...are you sure the salads aren't included?

  5. I'd love to win your give-away. Please enter me in your drawing. I'll make my own salad!

  6. I have never worked with wool so it would be a good time to start! Please enter me in youir drawing.

  7. Just like in school, imagine a little (well, not so little now) sitting in the front row with her arm raised and waving...Miss Kim, pick me! Miss Kim, pick me!! Miss Kim, PLEASE pick me!!!

    I hope 7 is my lucky number! Have fun today and Happy Easter to you and your hubby! Thanks.

  8. I'd love to be entering in your drawing. Now you could do a youtube to go along with the kit ;-) That would be like attending your class!

  9. Thank you, Kim, I would definitely like to be included. Very cute kits!

  10. I would love the chance to be in your drawing. Good Luck in class!
    Hoppy Easter.

  11. I'm sure you will knock thier socks off. :) Can't wait to hear all about it!

  12. I'm sure you'll do a great job teaching the class. I haven't worked with wool since I quit sewing clothes for myself. I'd love to win!

  13. I'd love to be in your drawing. Since I'm too far away to be in your class, I'll dream about it today and pretend I'm there.


  14. Kim I would love to be in the drawing. I love reading your blog daily. Sheila from TX

  15. Kim,

    Thank you for the opportunity to win one of the wool kits. I would love to try any of them. It is great to see youback in the swing of things again. You were missed - a lot by me! Happy Easter. Hope your class goes well. I'm sure it will.


  16. Please enter me in your drawing for a wool kit. glad to see you back. Sharon Mac

  17. My hand's up! I've been collecting wool forever and haven't done much with it. Time to just do it!! But, shucks, no salad with it? Darn!

  18. Wish I could come to your class! I love working with wool - please count me in for the drawing. Your blog is a bright spot in my day. Kathy

  19. That is very kind of you! I however would love to be in your class, unfortunatly time and distance do not make that possible. Hope you have a great class.

  20. Wow. A wool giveaway? Now that's something I don't have - the wool, that is. I've been drooling over your blog for months. Please add my name to your drawing!! :)

  21. Oh Kim, I'd love, love, love to win one of your wool patterns and kits! Tks so much for the chance and here's hoping you gals have fun today! Happy Easter :)

  22. Oh how fun! I've never worked with wool before, so this would be a great chance to learn! Please enter me!

    Sandy A in St. Louis

  23. I would love to win a kit. I've never done wool applique and it looks very interesting.
    Love your blog and glad you're back at it.
    Happy Easter!

  24. So glad you are better! Salads sound yummy :) I would love to win a kit ... they are all so cute.

  25. I would love to win....I can make my own lunch!! LOL

  26. Enter me in the drawing...glad you are back teaching. I love how you spoil your students!!!
    Caryl W in San Diego

  27. Count me in on the drawing. If I wasn't on vacation I'd come up and take your class, salads, talk and all!!!

  28. I'd love to win, I've never done wool applique. I'm sure your class will be great. I wish I lived closer, I'd be there.

  29. Dear Kim,

    I would love to win your patterns. Please pick me...I keep entering giveaways and NEVER win. Always a bridesmaid !! I do love your designs. Wish I lived in CA so I could take your classes, as I know your students have great fun.


  30. I'd love to be in your drawing. I haven't done any wool work yet, but I've always wanted to give it a try. Have a great day with your student's and Happy Easter!
    Sandy Evenson-Hagen
    Northern Minnesota

  31. Please enter me in your draw!!! I would love to be able to take part in your class but alas! I live WAY too far away.

  32. First of all, I would LOVE to attend the class in person Kim! But I would like to be in the drawing - all the projects are adorable and I am so loving wool creations. You do an awesome job. So creative. I hope you have a wonderful time at your class and a great Easter.

  33. Wish I could attend your class. I am just learning how to work with wool. Thanks for adding me to the drawing.
    Claudia in ND

  34. I would love to be there in person! Texas is just too darn far away! I'm hoping some of those wool kits make it to your etxy shop. I've loved that bluebird for a while and the sunflower is awesome! Hope the hands are feeling better. I can relate to numb! Hugs!

  35. Cindy in SD
    I'm a lurker and love your blog. Wool is my fave.. and I've never entered a give away before. Would love to win but will still be your lurker no matter what.

  36. I'm just starting out with my first wool applique for a BOM I am in, but would love to win one of your kits.

    What a generous teacher you are--kits, salads, and stitching. Oh, and lots of laughing.

  37. Wow-I'd love to win any of those kits-if UK are included. Love them all and thanks for the opportunity,
    Blessings, Shazy x

  38. Oh Kim, the only thing nicer than your giveaway would be the chance to attend your class. Have a wonderful time I know your students will.

  39. Hi Kim,
    I have not worked with wool and I know how much fun you and the girls will have making your project. Thanks for the opportunity to win your lovely kit- you will make someone very happy when you draw their name.
    Look forward to hearing about all the fun you have together.
    Warmest regards,

  40. Oh Kim, I would love to win. You will do great. Wish I was close enough to come, but Missouri is a little to far to travel. LOL Winona

  41. Kim, please I would love to be in your drawing. I love reading again your blog daily. Good luck with your class!
    Happy Easter Holidays from Jana in Czech Republic

  42. Yes, please count me in. Your patterns are adprable. I hope you make them into patterns for resale, too.

    Cathy (

  43. The projects look like fun, I'd love to try one.

  44. I hope that your class goes well. I have not tackled a wool project yet. Your designs make me smile. Thank you for this generous giveaway!

  45. Good luck with your class and what lovely patterns you made for them! I would love to do a project with wool...Thanks for a lovely giveaway!

  46. Such cute projects - thanks for the giveaway! Hope the class is going well......I'm sure you keep them 'hopping'! Happy Easter....piece.

  47. Oh how fun leftovers! Though I don't think the salad would make it. Hee!
    I would love being in a class where the teacher spoiled do a fine job!
    Happy Easter!!

  48. I would just love to come to your class, I know you will do terrific, but as that isn't possible I would love to win one of the kits. I know with your instructions, it would be easy peasy. So please enter me to win

    chris_quilting@yahoo dot com

  49. I'd love to win some wool class stuff, count me in please!! Love your patterns, your students are very lucky!! Can't wait to hear about your class, good luck!!

  50. Wool is new to me....I'd love a chance to try it.

  51. I am "dyeing" to play with wool--I would so very much love to read about your working with wool! I have loved the bunny and bird since I first saw them! Is begging out of the question--I think not, please, please consider me for this win!

    I have followed you forever, see I said begging is not out of the question--desperation is setting in.....

    Thanks for the chance to win.

  52. Happy Easter Kim! How was the class? Sounds great, the treats too. I wish I lived closer but I'd love to win a kit from the class as well! I'm a big fan of wool. Need to make more with it!

  53. Hi, Love the wool and the patterns are great! Wish I was there! Janet

  54. I feel totally spoiled from being in your class today!
    Thank You!

  55. Oh I would have loved to been in your class! Sounds like so much fun! Please enter me too. :-)

  56. Funny - mailing Koolaid. But then, no excuse to not give this a try if lands at my door! - Melanie from QH

  57. The class sounds like it was loads of fun. Thanks for the chance to win the goodies!

  58. Me! Me! I want to come!!!! Kim, I would love winning some wool class stuff! Hope your wrists co-operate for the class!

  59. Hi, please enter me for the draw as l have never worked with wool. What a shame l can't come to class but love reading all about it,

  60. Hi Kim, So glad you are back to teaching. I really enjoyed the class I took from you last summer, it was well worth the hour and a half drive!!!! I would love to be put in the drawing for your latest class kit. Thanks
    and hope you have a wonderful Easter!

  61. If I lived closer I'd surely be in your class. Would love to win! Dori

  62. I'd never pass up an opportunity to win a 'class pack' from you!!!

  63. Please enter me in the drawing for one of your wool kits - such a talented designer you are! Also please let us blog followers know your procedure in dying wool with Kool aid!

    Beth in AL

  64. I would have loved to hear you talk about wool all afternoon. I'm sure after seeing all your projects that you are a very good teacher. I would love to win some of your Kool Aid wool.

  65. ohhh dear, I might be too late. I have been out of town this week and just got home and trying to catch up on my reading. I would love to be included in the drawing. thank you!

  66. Oh Kim -- I wished I lived close enough to take one of your classes. Are you putting together a booklet (to sell) on how to felt the wool and dye it? I want to do that stuff too! And, I would love a kit or anything you are giving out! Love these woolies.

  67. I am young enough to come to class at a young--62-right!!! Well--so I am alittle too young--so I will have to settle for winning all your goodies and trying it on my own!!!
    Happy Easter--a new reader--I think!!
    Hugs, Di

  68. I'd love to win. This is an area I want to learn more about, Hope I'm not too late.

    Lynn D
