Thursday, April 22, 2010

My Old Man

Hubby's getting old quicker than I am. Last night I was in the Sweat Shop when he came in and asked me if I'd like some dessert. "Uh huh," I said. Twenty minutes later, I remembered his offer and realized he'd never brought dessert. When I went out to see if he needed any help, I spotted his empty ice cream bowl right away. Turned out he didn't really hear what my answer was and thought I'd declined.

As I'm sure many of you have experienced, it's frustrating when a spouse has hearing problems! But at least I know that if I can wait long enough, we'll get to a point where my memory will be as bad as his hearing, and I'll have completely forgotten about dessert within a few minutes of him offering it. Funny how things seem to balance out sometimes, isn't it?


  1. I was born deaf in one ear and it can be very frustrating for me when I think I heard something, but didn't and vice versa!
    But now that my DH is getting older I think we are "catching up" in that department!

  2. your hubby and my hubby might be affected by the same disorder...selective hearing...just sayin'....he got to keep all the ice cream for himself...

  3. I'm waiting for the time when he asks..did you buy more fabric..and hears no instead of yes!LOL! Gotta make these things work for you!

  4. Men are sooo sily! Don't tell them, but we will always be superior.

  5. Well, we've dealt with selective hearing for years! Works well when I forgot to tell him something though--he just thinks he didn't hear it!

  6. Don't you just hate it when "he" says, "Don't you remember I told you about that!?" What flavour was the ice cream? Not rocky road I hope!

  7. Gotta love 'em! It is so much fun when they didn't hear...even though they are three feet away and looking right at you AND then they don't remember either! Of course I am the queen of can't remember. I really dislike him saying "I'll tell you where this is so one of us will remember." Ha! I can't handle the pressure! Neither of us remembers! Oh, he also says he doesn't need hearing aids as long as I am with him...I am his hearing aid! LOL

  8. That's pretty funny Kim. Isn't he too young for acting so old?

  9. I have 98% hearing loss in one ear (since I was a small child) so I ALWAYS have problems hearing. But that doesn't mean I don't also have selective hearing :)


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