Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Getting Ready

Now that I've finished the Compass Rose quilt and sent it off, it's time to get ready for the Picnic Time quilt and tote class I'm teaching on Saturday.

I spent a few hours today writing the pattern directions, and I'm still not quite done. I have some last instructions to write on putting the inner and outer parts of the tote together, proofread through all of the directions, and then draw a few pattern illustrations. I should be able to get that finished tomorrow and then send Hubby out to Kinko's to get copies made. I've already had prints made of the above photo, so the pattern cover will soon be ready as well. My goal is to finish the patterns by tomorrow night. (Yes, I actually make up professional-looking patterns for my classes--I have what I need to make them and it's really not much more involved than putting together less formal handouts. And I know from my own experience that I'm more likely to lose a batch of loose paper patterns, but a "real" pattern? Never!)

Tonight I made up the component parts of the tote so I could use them to demonstrate in class. I know--what you see here looks more like a pillowcase, doesn't it?!

But I think it will look pretty cute when I get it done. I love that black and white bird fabric--I found it on sale somewhere and I knew right away that I'd want to use it in a tote. I think I'm also going to make a bow out of the blue and white trim fabric to go on the front of the tote. Won't that be cute?! Besides these tote pieces, I need to make up a few quilt blocks for demonstration purposes too. As a teacher, I sometimes feel I'm cramming too much preparation into the last few days before a class--I get annoyed with myself for not preparing further ahead. But then somewhere along the way, as I did tonight, I realize that doing this kind of prep just a few days before the class helps to remind me of the process so it's fresh in my mind, and I can better teach it to my students--at least that's what I hope I'm doing!

So, tomorrow I'll finish putting together the patterns. I also need to run a couple of errands to pick up a few "goodies" for class, and I have a little gift for each student that I need to put together, or I could show Hubby what I need done--he's a very valuable assistant at times and doesn't seem to mind helping me at all!

Thursday I'll finish up whatever I haven't yet done, and on Friday morning I'll make the food for class--I always feed my students something that goes along with whatever the theme is, and since this is a picnic theme, I'll be frying chicken tenders and making a couple of salads.

And somewhere in there, I'd really like to pin and quilt this month's Schnibbles quilt. Maybe on Thursday. Now, though, it's time for bed--I'm tired just thinking about my plans!


  1. Wish I could take your class on the picnic quilt and tote!!!

  2. Wow Kim, you sure give a lot back to your students! Can't wait until we can buy your pattern. Let us know when it's on Estey. My kitchen smells like Kool Aid! I dyeing with your instructions today! LOL

  3. Such a lovely photo. Makes me want to go on a picnic!!!

  4. Your class sounds like great fun - wish I lived closer! Dori

  5. Cute quilt and the bag pushes it over the top. The class will love it.

  6. I wish, wish, wish I could attend that class!! Have fun!

  7. Wow, your photo for the pattern cover is so inviting! - well the picnic you have laid out is pretty inviting too. I am so excited that on Saturday I will get to be in your class!

  8. I want to take one of your classes! Where did you say you're located? Great job..

  9. I really love love love that picnic quilt!! the colors are perfection!!!!!!!!!!!! and the black and white birdie fabric is awesome!


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