Thursday, April 1, 2010

An Earlier Outing

A couple weeks ago, I mentioned an "older girls shopping trip" Gran and I were getting together for but I never told you the rest of it. Where were we going? To the beauty supply store of all Sacramento beauty supply stores, Total Beauty Experience. If THAT place couldn't help us, nothing could!

And what did we buy?

It's a sad fact of life that as we age, going to the beauty supply store no longer means shopping for bubblebath, perfume, and eyelash lengtheners. Nope! We women of a certain age go to buy hair remover waxes, nose hair trimmers, and various and other sundry products designed to beat back the natural aging process. Sigh.

Of course, we found a few "products" designed to deepen laugh lines rather than remove them--like the "vintage" look stickers and the Instant Happy Childhood Memories that came home with me. (The "memories" are for my brother--I'll give them to him next time we go visit.) Then there was this soap I found--I really wanted to get myself some because the sentiment was perfect . . .

Unfortunately, I didn't care for the scent--I think it was grapefruit and sassafras or something. Smelling that every morning would have just kept me feeling crabby all day long!

After exhausting ourselves shopping, we headed over to Danielle's for lunch and a little flirting with the waiters in a desperate attempt to pretend we're much younger than we really are. I don't know why, but our waiters kept getting off shift, going home, and passing us off to someone else. Could it have been because we hadn't used the werewolf wax and nose roto-rooter yet?

Lunch was very tasty, though! Both of us ordered the brie with baguette and antipasto as well as a side salad, which isn't pictured here (although we seriously THOUGHT the antipasto WAS the side salad for quite awhile because our revolving wait staff somehow overlooked getting our salads to us until we were about half done with the rest of our meal).

(And can I digress here a second? What's with the sudden popularity of raw slivered almonds? With this meal, they tended to just fall off the brie and bounce onto the plate. I noticed the same raw slivered almonds were served on my spinach salad last week with about the same result. They really aren't all that flavorful unless they're toasted and they tend to not stick to anything, so I keep ending up with a little pile of slivered almonds on an otherwise empty plate. Is it just me or has anyone else noticed this odd culinary trend?)

Oh, before I go--look what I found for Gran at the beauty supply store! Perfect, eh?! Now we just have to figure out who's who!


  1. I thank God everyday for you and Gran. Without you two, my life would be so-o-o-o- boring!!

    See ya Saturday! Cannot wait!


  2. As I said to Gran when she posted about this....still no Jail time for you two...such a surprise..

  3. Nose roto-rooter. LMAO!! I needed that laugh this morning!

  4. Love the soap! Did you buy it? I would have... and put it in my guest bath, LOL!

  5. Love the soap! I'd buy it for the container. How nice to have friends to share the niceties of "old age" with!!


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