Thursday, March 4, 2010

Rooibos Winner!

I've been busy the last few days having an adventure or two and doing some sewing. I'll tell you what I've been doing in the next couple days when I can get Hubby to help do the typing. In the meantime, I promised a post announcing the winner of the Schnibbles Rooibos pattern and my leftover scraps from the quilt I made (for some reason, it seems I forgot to take a photo of the finished, quilted quilt, so here's the photo of the top you've seen before--ARGH!)--

Normally I ask Hubby to pick a number, but he headed off to bed when I wasn't looking, so I used a random number generator this time. I'm happy to announce the winner is Susan of A Work in Progress blog.

Susan, please email me your mailing address (click into my profile and then click on "email" where it says "contact")--I'll get this out in the mail to you shortly. Congratulations! And thanks to all of you for playing along.


  1. Congrats to Susan! I love your version of this pattern.

  2. Congrats to Susan! What a lovely quilt!

  3. Thank you so much, Kim! I'm really excited because I never win anything! Can't wait to do something with the pattern!

  4. Congrats! (grumble grumble..) no I really do mean it-Congratulations!


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