Friday, February 12, 2010

Miss Me?

I miss all of you! I visited a couple blogs the other day and it sure feels like I've been away FOREVER!

I haven't started physical therapy yet, and my hands/wrists/arms are feeling better--only my thumb and index finger on my right hand are numb and I don't have any pain--so I thought I'd take a few minutes to write while I can.

The first time I saw the workers' compensation doctor, he took x-rays and saw what he thought was a cyst on one of the bones in my wrist. He told me he'd have the radiologist look at it, but he didn't think it was anything to worry about. He didn't know who he was talking to, did he? No! Of course I worried! I was pretty sure it was cancerous and I'd probably have to have my hand amputated. Luckily, though, it wasn't--it's just a cyst they think I've probably had forever. And, of course, it has nothing to do with what's wrong with my hands.

NOW I'm waiting for the physical therapist--it's been two weeks off work and it seems much of it is just waiting for something to happen. The insurance company approval for physical therapy finally came through and was mailed on Wednesday; I called the PT office yesterday and left a message but nothing so far. ARGH! So more waiting. With the holiday on Monday, now I don't think I'll hear from them until Tuesday at the earliest.

Other good news though--I asked the doctor about sewing and he thought I could sew as long as I don't overdo it and pay attention to my hands and whether the sewing is affecting them. So, for the last week I've been sewing a little each day, between reading and sleeping. Last night, I finished this month's Schnibbles quilt, Sunday Best, using charm packs from the Attitude Girls line by Mary Engelbreit.

Spike wanted to help me show the quilt. In fact, as I type, Spike is licking me because she wants me to know it's time for me to feed her. (Sadly, having Stitch to play with hasn't helped Spike slim down any!)

I've found that in particular, QUILTING doesn't seem to bother my hands at all, so I hope to get a few quilt tops quilted in the next month or so, although that will depend, of course, on how painful my arms and hands are once physical therapy starts. Just being able to get into the Sweat Shop for a little sewing, though, has done a lot to elevate my spirits--as have the emails, cards, and gifts from friends both locally and in Blogland.

I'll post again if I'm able and have anything to talk about--mostly life is a bit boring these days though. I'm looking forward to everything getting back to normal one of these days. In the meantime, thanks for visiting.


  1. So glad to hear that you're doing well. Glad you're able to do a little sewing and it's always good to catch up on your reading. Designing new ideas shouldn't bother your physical therapy either... so we look forward to all the new ideas you can come up with while we wait for you to get better. <3

  2. That's good that you're able to sew at least a little. Take it easy and don't re-injure anything!
    Chris in Sacramento

  3. YES! I've missed you!

  4. Yayayayay! So happy to hear from you. I've been checking every single day even knowing you're not "apposed" to type! So happy you can play in the quilting room. It'll sure help make the time pass nicely! Best of luck in all you're doing!
    Lurking Linda

  5. So glad to see you back, and I certainly hope all goes well with getting your hands back to normal. I have carpal tunnel syndrome in both wrists, and had surgery on one hand for the cp, a trigger finger, and a ganglion cyst. It healed quickly and I've had no more trouble with that hand. I hope your problems are as easily resolved as mine were.

  6. Hi Kim -- I check every day, too, in case you had an Angel friend who would type a blog for you. It's wonderful you can sew a little and I love what you made. Heal quickly!! Florence

  7. i DO miss you ... a LOT!

    Spike IS an attitude girl, isn't she? and she ALWAYS wears her sunday best - so that is a purrfect picture.


  8. I hope the physical therapy helps.

  9. So happy to see you back :-) And your Schnibbles turned out great! Happy day to be able to sew.

  10. I really like your fun, bright colors you used for your Sunday Best Schnibbles. I'd like to do something similar with mine. I'm thinking maybe some American Jane charms.

    Hope you're feeling better soon. Have a good weekend!

  11. Hi Kim, I understand your feeling about doctors and their results... When I go to a doctor, always think everything is life threatening :-).
    It is good that you can sew at least a little and I like your happy Schnibbles!!!
    Jana in Prague

  12. Really pleased you can sew!! That will make the time off so much easier on you! Love and hugs, Tracey

  13. I'm sure sewing helps the morale, and that'll help the waiting and the therapy, as long as you can sew without strain.
    I'm glad to hear form you, I was asking Gran how you were doing!
    The colours in the quilt are lovely, real pick-me-up!
    And that bit about 'normal'? I've been waiting all my life for things to be 'normal' so I wouldn't get too hung up on that one if I was you!

  14. Welcome back if only for a short those only have two unless your an alien and have a few spare hanging off your body...just sayin'.....

  15. How exciting to see you back!!!! I would think that typing all day at work would probably have more to do with your hand problems than sewing does! It just seems more repetitive somehow. Anyway, we love you and hope to hear more soon!

  16. So glad to see you back, at least for a little while! Love the quilt top you did..very colorful!
    Hope PT goes well and it doesn't hurt too much!
    Have a super day!

  17. My Day Starter is back! And with a cute little quiltie. You BET I've missed you.

  18. You have been was exciting to see your name at the top of the blogroll this morning! Your Schnibbles is adorable! Now do not overdo!!!

  19. OH MY GOODNESS!!!!! That is like the cutest little schnibble ever! It's so bright and lovely...I'm in schnibble envy ;)

  20. it's gorgeous!!!! and you can sew and quilt without it bothering you? good job!!!!!

  21. Miss YOU!! I wish in withdrawal!!!LOL Glad to see you back and praying the therapy will work quickly!:)

  22. Great to hear from you Kim! Your little Attitude Schnibble is adorable. Follow all the rules and get better quick.

  23. Hi Kim!
    YES you've been missed! Silly question!! Thanks for the update...hope all goes well and you are up to your old 'tricks' soon!! My morning coffee just isn't the same!!
    Love the Schnibbles...very cute!
    So hurry and get better, stop giving the doctors any sass and do EVERYTHING the Physical Therapist tells you to'll be giving them the finger before you know it!:o)
    Take care!

  24. I'm so glad your doing better if not well. And at least you have quilting. Your top looks great. I'm still waiting, of course, for the pattern to arrive. It's driving me nuts because Little Bit is away this weekend and it would be perfect to work on. But no pattern, no cutting, no sewing etc. ;(
    Hopefully they get you into PT soon.Nothing is worse then waiting.

  25. Your Sunday Best is adorable! How fresh and cheery those fabrics are. Love it.
    Hope you are feeling better soon.

  26. So glad to hear you're at least getting to sew. Your Sunday Best is really cool. I can't wait to make one myself. Take care of yourself.
    Happy Valentine's Day!

  27. What a treat to see a blog from you. So glad to hear from you. Take care.

  28. Sewing is good for the soul--especially a bored one! Glad you're able to type a little and let us know what's going on with your poor hands.

  29. Cute little quilt! Glad sewing and quilting doesn't give you pain - there is hope!

  30. What an ordeal. Happy you are able to sew. Reading is great but a person can't do that day in and day out. Gotta stroke the fabric!

  31. Nice treat to read your blog tonite and hear of your progress. Thank goodness we have quilting as our health drug...amazing how much it helps! Continue to take good care of yourself...Zel

  32. hope yopu are doing better. My thoughts & prayers are with you. I had work comp for surgery on my arms. BOth.

    Missed your blog.

    kim from san diego

  33. HI Kim,
    I love your little quilt- Hope you are reading lots of good books.
    It is nice that you are able to do some quilting during this time.
    I do miss your blog and your great sense of humor.
    I am having a little giveaway on my blog as part of OWOH blogging festival.
    If you like bracelets- come visit me and enter your name- perhaps you will be the lucky winner of one the three.
    You can find it here:
    Warmest regards,

  34. YES, I missed you also.
    Don't overdo, but when you're able,
    please update when possible.
    Thanks for brightening my day.
    Take care,..

  35. I love your Schnibbles quilt. It is gorgeous!! I hope you are better soon.

  36. I am glad you got to sew a bit. I am so sorry you have had such a bad time of it and I hope PT won't be too bad and will cure you quickly. You will sure have time to catch up on your reading And maybe a little thrifting? Take care.

  37. I'm so glad you're a bit better. Man that quilt is gorgeous! :-) Happy Valentine's Day! <3 Jen

  38. Glad to hear from you! Don't over do it, but I know sewing can really elevate your spirits.
    Take care
    Dorothy in IL

  39. Thank you for the gift of your blog. - Happy Valentine's Day to you!
    Sending a Big HUG!

  40. Take care and don't push yourself too much. Rest and get better.

  41. Yep! You are missed! Glad you have been able to get a little sewing in. Loving that schnibbles. Hope you feel better soon.

  42. I hope that you are feeling better very soon!

  43. Yes, I miss you!!!!!

    I'm so excited to hear from you, and so happy that you're going to be okay. I'm happy, too, that you can sew and quilt.

    I've been concerned about you, and you have been in my thoughts and prayers.

  44. Glad your back if only briefly! Thankfully you can still sew. Don't worry about responding to this as I would rather you take care of your self.

  45. Glad to hear you are getting a bit better. It seems to take PT a very long time to schedule that first appointment.

    Love your Sunday Best!

  46. So glad that you are feeling better. It has really been a long haul for you and you are in my prayers.

  47. Just getting caught up on the Schnibbles Parade and love how yours turned out. Spike's presence makes it all the more cuter!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!