Monday, February 1, 2010

Break Time!

I've been thinking about it, and I've decided to take a blogging break until I can resolve some issues, not the least of which involve my health and my computer problems. I may (probably WILL!) still visit my Blogland friends, but for the next several days, I want to try to simplify life--and part of that means not feeling I HAVE to sit down and write a blog post or, for that matter, DO anything interesting to write about. I'll be back before long though, so don't go too far away!


  1. Kim,

    Take care of yourself first! I hope that you start feeling better soon!

    I'll be thinking of you and sending good thoughts!


    Elaine in SLO,CA

  2. Perfectly understandable, Kim. You deserve a break. Take all the time you need. Relax and get well.

  3. Kim I hope all is well.
    Don't be gone too long. we will miss you.

  4. Everyone deserves a break once in awhile.......enjoy yours!!!!

  5. Have a nice break deserve it! Come back soon though! ;-)

  6. Take care of yurself Kim, that is what matters. Will be talking to you though.

  7. Take care--- hope you feel better real soon...

  8. Kim, You have to take care of yourself to help others...I've learned that myself although I often forget and have to be reminded! So take that well deserved break...and we'll all be so excited when you are back with us! My good thoughts go with you. Zel

  9. You will be missed; I begin each day with a smile when I check your blog. Feel better.

  10. See you when you and your computer are well.Good wishes are being sent your way!

  11. I'll miss you! Take your time, but don't be gone long!! LOL!!!

  12. Have you seen the BWO (Blogging Without Obligations)? And here is a another post also on Blogging Without Obligation. You are burning yourself out, slow down. We all love you and understand.

  13. Pits to your health- poor you.
    And that virus your DLF downloaded? I downloaded the identical one before Christmas and the Hub nearly kilt me for came in on a lovely Christmas button thing for my sidebar.
    So, I toad-ally understand your frustration, dude, we had an awful time getting rid of it.

    Anyhow, I hope you feel better soon, do nothing, and enjoy doing nothing! Lots of steaming hot drinks from the polka dots!

  14. Although I will miss reading your post everyday when I get to work, the most important thing is your feeling well. I don't know how you can do it every night. I really give you credit but taking a break is a good thing. We will all miss you but hope you can get everything else in order to feel good. Enjoy yourself and do some sewing!!

  15. I will miss my little visits with you. Take care and know that we will be here when you come back from your blogging break.

  16. Take care of yourself. We'll see you when you get back up and running.

  17. Know how ya feel Sista...stay cool.....

  18. Kim, take care of yourself. I hope you feel better soon and can enjoy your hiatus.

  19. I'll miss your posts, but look after yourself first. Take it easy.

  20. Kim your news is the best ever. A woman taking care of business, and one of the things on your long list is your computer. An Irish quote is rattling around in my mind but I can not put it all together-
    stand in the sunshine
    and may the wind be at your back

    And keep plenty of hot cocoa and marshmallows in your red and white polka dot mug!


  21. Enjoy your time off and recharge!

  22. Yes, you do need to take care of yourself. Staph infections can be dangerous. They are on the rampage in my town, so bad that the hospital is having to build a new hospital because they can't get rid of it. I don't know what makes them think it won't come to the new hospital, but I'll let them figure that one out!

    Enjoy your bloggy break. We'll be here when you come back!

    I tried to fix the "no reply". Please let me know if it worked!

  23. You will be missed. But take the time and feel better. Your health and well being is far more important than blogging right now. Take care!!!

  24. A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do! Take care of yourself...and we'll all be here when you are ready.


  25. Will really miss your posts - but want you to relax and get well. Take care....have fun at your class. Piece....

  26. Kim
    Take care and take a deep breath, it will get better!

    pawsforstitching blg

  27. Enjoy your well deserved break. I've always wondered how you do it! I have a hard time fitting in two or three posts a week. I'll be here when you get back. Take care--Kim

  28. ...only when you're ready.

    will be missing you babe.


  29. A girl's got to do what a girl's got to do!! Hang in there!! We will be here~ hanging out in cyberspace waiting for your return!! All the best!

  30. I'll be missing you and hoping that things start to come back together in your world real soon :) God Bless!

  31. Thinking of you!
    How is your supply of hot cocoa mix and marshmallows?

  32. Take care of yourself Kim. I'm sending a virtual cup of hot chocolate with a candy cane your way!

  33. Take it easy and get better, Kim!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!