Friday, January 8, 2010

One Thing Leads to Another . . .

Sometimes Blogland reminds me of dropping a pebble in a pond and watching the ripples spread out. You know what I mean, I think--you visit one blog and that leads to another blog and that leads to another blog and before you know it, you've traveled quite a way and gotten interested in all sorts of other things--it's kind of weird, in a GOOD way!

So I was doing that--blog hopping, which kind of started with the Schnibbles thing--when I hopped onto Heidi's blog and found her Friday Night Sew In on January 15th. Basically, those of us who want to play along commit to settling down that Friday night in front of our sewing machines and doing some sewing. On Saturday, we show a couple photos on our blog of what we did. On Sunday, there's a chance we might win a prize. Cool, huh?!

Seriously, I sew nearly every night anyway, so why not join the Sew In? You can check out Heidi's blog post about the Sew In HERE. Sign up and join us! This will certainly be a good excuse for me to plan a "special" project--like maybe one of the Schnibbles quilts? (And, of course, a really excellent excuse to drink some "special" hot chocolate in a red and white polka dot cup with a few marshmallows and a candy cane because--you know--it IS a "special" night!)

By the way, this month's Year of Schnibbles quilt is Madeline--

I'm quite anxious to start it. And I have the Rouenneries charms. But do I want to make it with those, or do I want to get a little crazy and use Valentine's fabric? And do I want to work on it for the Sew In or do I want to get out another Schnibbles pattern the group's already done and work on IT? Decisions, decisions!

A a couple of you asked about joining A Year of Schnibbles this late--like me, you thought it was closed. Well, you can email Sinta (Pink Pincushion) or Sherri (A Quilting Life) and ask. I'm pretty sure they'd be happy to have you join, even this far into the year. I remember when I figured out what was going on back in September--late to the party as usual!--I thought the group was closed, too, so I didn't ask; besides that, I remember having too many other things going on at that time. Now, though, I'm really excited to start!

Finally, I wanted to touch again on some computer/blogging problems. Sinta is having problems with her blog--she has an issue with not being able to see her photos as she's composing her posts; also something in her layout has thrown everything from her sidebar down to the bottom of the page. If any of you think you might be able to suggest a solution, please go over to her blog and leave a comment. I have a feeling it has something to do with the photos in her post from a few days ago, but I'm not sure what. Can they be too large, pixel-wise, maybe? (EDITOR'S NOTE: SINCE WRITING AND POSTING THIS, SINTA SEEMS TO HAVE FIXED THE SIDEBAR ISSUE.)

Another thing--my mention yesterday about the comment concerning my blog jumping? "Anonymous" commented again today and apologized for any implied criticism of my blog. Seriously, I didn't take her comment as criticism at all and that's not why I posted the question--I truly want to find out if anyone has some insight that could help. You see, I knew in talking with Pink Flamingo Dianne that she had some problems with my blog before, when I had the countdown to Christmas posted, but she was able to get it to work okay by logging out of Mozilla and into IE--so if anyone has that kind of tip that would help, I'd be happy to share it. I COMPLETELY understand wanting to read a blog but not being able to because of computer issues--for some reason, I can't read Gran's blog and she's one of my best friends! She's on a Mac forum, and I think my computer doesn't have enough memory or just doesn't like it for some reason, because it takes about 10 minutes to load and I only have a one-minute attention span! (EDITOR'S NOTE: Someone commented the problem with my blog may be the falling snowflakes--do you think that's it? I could take those off easily!)

I'm sorry Anonymous thought her comment upset me in any way--it sure didn't. In fact, I appreciate it! I know you all take time out of your day to stop in and visit, and I want my blog to be worth the effort you take--and making it easy for most people to read is one of my goals. So if you have a problem, please let me know and if it seems reasonable and if there's a way to fix it, I'll try. I enjoy it when you visit me and leave comments--after all, it's why I blog!

ADDENDUM: Carol and Amanda are having a virtual quilt retreat on Saturday, March 13th, with games and prizes. I signed up for that one too! I hope you'll join us--you can check it out at their blogs!


  1. I think anonymous was referring to the snow flakes that continuously "fall" on your blog. They are a bit distracting...but not enough to keep me away. LOVE your blog and appreciate your quilting insight and humor!

  2. Maybe Gran blocked you from her Blog...I'm just saying...LOL

  3. Thanks for the heads up about the SEW IN. I just signed up! The snowflakes seem to make the blog run "stiffly" if that makes any sense. LOL

  4. I am glad to hear that the Schnibbles is not closed. I have read on other blogs that they "missed" the Schnibbles cut off. It's been fun, and the best part is, you don't have to get the block finished in that month. I did not realize that when I started, but it sure has taken some of the pressure off (esp during the holidays). Madeline still has not arrived, and I still have not decided on which fabric to use. BUT it will work out, and it's so fun to see how different each gals pattern turns out.

  5. Welcome to Schnibbling! :-) I don't always comment, but I pop in and read your blog and I wanted to thank you for the Maisie Dobbs suggestion~ I've found 2 at the library and read both already. ;-)

  6. So today I'm viewing your blog through a box that states Upgrade to Pro today! Bandwidth exceeded Photobucket. Hmmmmmmmmm interesting!
    Lurking Linda

  7. Wow, I was to tired last night after all my celebrating over finishing all my de-cluttering!!! ...and did not leave a comment on your blog before I went to bed. So, over my tea this morning... You must have stayed up last night playing with your blog - Today, there is no colour background (perhaps by design...) there is a pesty icon in different places on your blog, "Upgrade to Pro today!" - not interested, and there are blue dots running at an angle at the top of your post today (not that I have a seizure disorder, but I could have after trying to figure out if they (the dots) are on your blog, or my glasses need cleaning, or perhaps I AM seeing stars...)

    Smiling at Cha - person who never reads my blog!

    Well, I am off to play with fabric and mingle with friends at BP&HH.


  8. You have some sort of box thing on your blog "Update to Pro Today" from Photobucket. It's covering up your posts and scrolling with the posts and driving me crazy! I don't know if this is an ad or not, but it sure makes reading hard.

  9. I like your new background, it's very retro 60's. That's awesome that you joined Amanda and I's sewing retreat, Amanda's idea. She has all kinds of good ideas. I think since I sew every evening too that I should sign up for the Friday Night Sew In as well.

  10. That's a coincidence with Gran's blog because I can't read it either, it brings my 'state of the Ark' computer to a standstill, which I find very disappointing, because on the rare occasion it does load I thoroughly enjoy her posts. Also I can't post comments to her as it crashes.

    I guess I'll just have to continue discussing your crockery in the comments on your blog so. You'll just have to accept that's the way its gonna be!!!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!