Wednesday, January 13, 2010

New From the Sweat Shop--

My students at my wool class in February will have a choice of kits to make--yep, that's what it says in the newsletter, I think, so I guess it must be true! Besides a kit, they'll also get the PATTERNS for ALL the kits. So I figured I'd better design a second one--the bunny was the first. I planned to make three, and I think the third will be something other than a pillow, but I don't want to design a penny rug or candle mat--there are quite a few patterns on the market for those already. For myself, I've been working (slowly) on a wool eyeglass case, so maybe I'll make that for the third project. Or a stuffed something or other--I really love the little bunny I bought as a kit and made last spring. Or both! But at least I now have the second project done!

And, for something totally unrelated to the wool class--Boy Boss called today to let me know they'd picked a name for their brand new daughter--Nora Marjorie. Different but really nice, I think! He sent a photo from his cell phone and of course she's adorable--but then, what baby isn't?

Oh, and Stitch is home from the vet, seemingly none the worse for wear. He seems slightly less energetic but that may just be my imagination because he's still running around and wrestling with Spike--who seems happy to have him back home!

Tomorrow night (Wednesday) is Thimbleberries Club--the first meeting of the new year--and after not being a member last year, I'm really looking forward to rejoining my friends for the new block of the month project! Time to get to bed so I don't fall asleep during club! Thanks for stopping in to visit!


  1. Just LOVE your Bluebird of Happiness, or Heartiness! Its simple but VERY effective! A glasses case sounds useful, get ahead on present making for later in the year!!!!!

    Like the name Nora Marjorie too, kinda old-fashioned but pretty.

    Glad Stitch is back...will your next cat be Lilo?

  2. Can't wait for class, Kim!!


  3. I wish I could go to your wool class!! Too bad I don't have my Bluebird of Happiness costume...I could have mailed it to you, for you to wear! Wouldn't that give the ladies something to smile about...but then I don't think you have anything to worry about in that department. I have a feeling you keep the ladies in stitches without a maybe I will show up for class in costume! Just to surprise you! Sacramento isn't THAT far away is it?
    Take care!

  4. You blog is always Eye Candy for me. I am so looking forward to your class!
    Glad Stitch is doing well.

  5. I love the bird applique! I need to learn to work with wool. There are so many ways to use it.

    I'm glad Stich is better. It's cute that Spike loves him, too.

    Boy Boss' daughter's name is pretty.

  6. Love your pillow, and I think Nora is a sweet name. You're right, babies are adorable and so very precious.

  7. It's a great pillow...I love it!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!