Friday, December 4, 2009

Feeling a Little More Festive

Thanks for all the encouraging words today! I think it's not so much that I'm not feeling Christmas as it is that it's just such a BIG job to decorate the way I enjoy. And someone said something about dusting--yep, it's that too! I have to clean all the nooks and crannies before I can put the decorations out. The GOOD thing is, though, that once the decorations are out, every surface is so covered by STUFF that there's no possibility of having to dust again until it all gets put away. So there IS that to look forward to!

A little birdie told me that my buddy Gran wrote about me on her blog--about me and my need for cheering up so I can get into the Christmas spirit. She's an awfully good friend and cheerleader! I don't think many of you saw the poem she left in the comment section of my blog, so I'll reprint it here:

"So, what is a Kim to do with the flu.
Let me tell you true.
She will not be happy until
all the peppermints
are hung, laid out or strung.

So, come on Sis,
Sip a little glog,
Point your finger to the next box
that DH can haul,
open it and delight as
your home takes on
the sweet spirit of the season.

(All done, of course,
4 feet off the ground
this year.)"

Isn't she a hoot? Later this month, Gran, Pam (Orcsmom), Pam's BFF Colleen No-Blog, and I are going to celebrate Christmas together at PMS night (PMS=pizza, munchies, and soda) at an out-of-town quilt shop, and I'm really looking forward to that evening and some of the other social festivities that will be coming up in the next few weeks. And that brings me to another thing--

Someone else commented about having sick family members and a busy social schedule between now and Christmas and not knowing when they'd find the time and energy to decorate--yep, me too! That's exactly my problem. So I DO think I'll devote this weekend to decorating and get as much done as I can and then be happy with whatever that may be. Because, really, this weekend is the last chance I'll have--and absolutely, positively NO illnesses are allowed to visit!

And finally? Yes, I know it's awfully shallow and materialistic of me, but sometimes a gal's gotta do something to jump start her enthusiasm, and having come to that realization by the time my lunch hour came along today, I headed over to the Hundred Dollar Store (aka Target) for a little retail decorating therapy:

So now the plan is to come home from work on Friday night, gather up the decorations, and start transforming the house into a winter wonderland. Or something Christmassy. Wish me luck!


  1. And a winter wonderland it will become

  2. Be prepared for new little kitty to get into every decoration you put out...that's why we don't decorate anymore, we have one cat that breaks everything on the tree, so we gave up, and she's not even a kitten anymore...

  3. I know your home decor will be fantastic, and good luck, but you don't need it..."you got talent girl"!!!

  4. Cute finds at Target! Have fun decorating.

  5. Glad to hear that you are feeling better and up for the task of decorating! The quilt in the post below is gorgeous :) It can be such a daunting task some years, but I'm sure it will be worth the extra effort you're having to muster up this year :) Enjoy!

  6. That's the spirit! Love the new Target purchases...isn't it amazing how some retail therapy can really work? :-) Ditto on the dusting! LOL

  7. As I'm decorating this weekend I will think of you decorating on your side of the world. Good luck! Love your little 'must haves' from Target!!

  8. Have fun! Can't wait to see the finished results!

  9. I haven't been sick, but I've been really busy. I'm working on Christmas decorations tonight and this weekend. Like you, if it doesn't get done now, it won't! So, I guess we'll be working on decorating together. I can't wait to see what you come up with!!

    By the way, I'm having a little giveaway on my blog you might want to see. It's something Christmasy!

  10. The Christmas spirit has been somewhat lacking at my home too. Too much going on to even give it much time or energy, but I am doing the same thing as you... pushing on! I WILL be done decorating this weekend... I must! Hope you feel better.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!