Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Ditto and More of the Same

I think Hubby and I have had the flu, but he's finally feeling a bit better today after being sick an entire week, and I kind of think I've turned the corner too--I'm starting to feel just a bit human. Thank goodness for Thanksgiving leftovers--at least I haven't had to cook!

I've been reading Dan Brown's new book, The Lost Symbol, when I haven't been sleeping, but the book's kind of thick and heavy, and I get tired of holding it, so I haven't even gotten half way through it yet. I've also been doing a little bit of quilting here and there on a Christmas quilt I had pinned. Our kitten Stitch is very interested in quilting and wants to be right in the middle of things, but he doesn't understand that I need to move the quilt around to quilt it. I tried to make him a little "bed" with some soft fabric on the chest next to where I sit, but he wasn't happy there; he finally curled himself into a ball near my feet and went to sleep. I took a couple photos of him, but I'll have to upload them later.

Can you believe it's December already? Part of me frets over the fact that I haven't felt well enough to start decorating for Christmas yet, but the other part of me knows I'm just going to have to be patient until I get well. At least I can do a little quilting and not feel quite as useless. Hubby felt well enough today to get our artificial Christmas tree out and assembled. I tried to do a little dusting in the livingroom and moving a few things around to make room for the tree, but I was soon tired and out of breath--I'll have to finish the dusting and vacuuming out there another day. At least it shouldn't be too much longer before I'm well enough to get our home ready for Christmas.

In the meantime, thank you for the get well wishes you've left in the comments. I hope to be a more interesting blogger soon!


  1. I sorry to hear your get up and go has got up and left. There will be better days ahead. I am glad to hear the your DH is feeling better.

  2. Sandy from ThimbleberriesDecember 1, 2009 at 5:18 AM

    It was nice to wake up this morning and see you had written a little bit more because it means you are feeling a little better. Do not try to do too much or it will take you longer to get well. Take your time.

  3. I'm so sorry to read you aren't feeling well!! I am sending some hugs and get well thoughts to you today.

  4. Glad to hear that you're both feeling better, and that your hubby felt well enough to get the tree on its 'feet' for you. Don't be in too big a hurry to decorate, it will all wait for you!

  5. I agree w/not being in too big of hurry ... it will all be there for you when you're feeling better. Your health is your greatest gift, so it's important that you take care of yourself :) Glad that you're turning that corner!!!

  6. Take it slow or you'll knock yourself out again...there speaks the voice of experience unfortunately. Glad you are feeling a bit better though, and stuff the dusting, it sure ain't going anywhere!

  7. Hang in there. I speak from experience! I had another bout of it this past Sunday. Hey, I am having a giveaway, I will draw a name on Saturday. I plan to have a picture posted tonight, just an FYI. Hope you get to feeling better and back to your old self soon! Miss ya! Don't forget December 18th!!!


  8. I am glad to hear that your husband is feeling better and that you are improving-
    Practise the 3 R's - Rest, relax and Rejuvenate... You will soon get back to the things that you want/need to get done.
    Hope that you are soon feeling your normal self.
    Warmest regards,


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